Dear Michael

Thanks for explaining. What you were saying is much clearer to me now.

Your second paragraph describes my own belief and approach quite well. I think 
it’s one of the reasons I like using OST and invitation in my work. People in 
many of the organizations I work with are often expecting ‘successful’ results, 
whatever their definition of successful is. I’ve found the reactions to the 
experiences of an open space event really help me decide which organizations I 
want to work with.


On 3 Feb 2016, at 11:30 am, Michael Herman <> wrote:


i was heading in the direction of saying that the only evaluation that i've 
ever found very useful after an oepn space meeting is a review of what got 
done, what will continue, and some reflection on what else might now be able to 
happen.  after we give everyone responsibility for their own experience, and 
then anyone starts in the direction of evaluation -- including the facilitator 
going along into "how did i do?"  -- or the sponsor has a form for everyone to 
fill out... it always seems to me a bit like saying "whenever it starts is the 
right time" and then looking at my watch.  this is why i thought it was great 
that you said, this happened... and i wondered... but whatever happened...

if we give them responsibility for the experience, then we can only ask them to 
evaluate their own performance in that experience.  asking about the design is 
useless.  assuming that we can cherry-pick the best parts and just change a few 
details -- next time -- and we'll get all the best, and then some more, seems 
pretty unrealistic.  on the other hand, asking about what's done, what's in 
process and what might need another round of conversation or study, in a 
taking-stock sort of way... that can be genuinely useful, for everyone.  



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile) <> <>

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 9:40 AM, Stuart Turner < 
<>> wrote:
Dear Michael

Thanks for your supportive comments.

I’m curious about your questions and whom you’re asking. The questions are so 
wide and powerful I can only think of more questions to ask :)

What do I do next? What can they do now? Who supports what? Are they rhetorical 

I’m wondering if there’s more context or perhaps assumptions that it would be 
useful to add. I will appreciate it if you can provide more guidance.


On 2 Feb 2016, at 8:43 pm, Michael Herman < 
<>> wrote:

Sounds like a success to me, like you did s fine job, Stuart. They fully owned 
the agenda, brought forth energy and enthusiasm, and in the end were daring to 
speak things, by their own admission, that they  they otherwise would not. You 
didn't panic when the unexpected happened, as they took the program on as their 
own. I see no reason in your story for second guessing at all. The only 
question I do wonder about now is "now what?"  What can happen next?  How to 
support that?  

On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, Stuart Turner via OSList 
< <>> wrote:
Yesterday I facilitated a two-hour open space at the end of a training course 
for 30 people. I explained the principles, the law, etc. and described the 
marketplace. The marketplace had four time slots across the top and four 
locations down the side. After they had filled the marketplace with about 25 
sessions, they asked me what they should do. I said “It’s up to you”. They 
started swapping the headings so times now went down the side and locations 
went across the top.

Thinking of the many suggestions to "get out of the way” and “make it obvious 
you’re not an authority”, I decided to take a bathroom break.

On my return I approached one of the spaces to find several of the sessions 
pasted on the wall. I turned to look at the marketplace to discover only the 
time slots and locations remained. Each location had all its sessions stuck on 
the wall.

Whatever happens, I thought.

After noticing there was some confusion about trying to discuss all sessions at 
the same time, conversations moved to become about a more defined topic (at 
least of few of which were not one of the topics on the wall).

The closing circle had about half the participants speak, with many sounding 
quite enthusiastic about their experience and what the theme meant for their 
organisation. I noticed many of the people were directing their summary to the 
most senior person in the room. Some even referred to that person specifically 
“I don’t know if I should say this while the boss is here”, and similar 

I wondered whether the space was beginning to close at that time.

Perhaps I could have done a better job of facilitating or explaining, during 
the introduction. Regardless, it’s probably the only thing that could have 

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Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 <tel:312-280-7838> (mobile) <> <>

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