Reminded me of this quote:

“Borders I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of
some people.”

*Thor Heyerdahl*

On 8 January 2017 at 17:00, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> *Globalization*. For some people this word describes Opportunity. For
> others, Disaster. Both are correct, I believe.
> Stripped to essence, Globalization means that the artificial (as in
> manmade) barriers and boundaries which divide our planet are dissolving,
> thereby revealing our natural, global unity. For better or for worse.
> Nation States, Business Enterprises, Tribal Territories, Religions,
> Cultures …. Are all becoming more porous, interconnected, and increasingly
> irrelevant to the emerging life form of *Homo sapiens* – otherwise known
> as Us, and the way we live.
> Nobody planned  Globalization, nobody runs it, although lots of folks are
> claiming credit or passing blame. The actual causes are multiple, including
> the Internet, global transportation, telephones, TV, FAX, the printing
> press, etc, etc… to name just a few. But the really funny part is  --
> Globalization is nothing new. We have always been one planet/globe – a fact
> the astronauts recognized with some wonder and shock. Seen from space, none
> of the barriers and boundaries, which seem so important to us, show up.
> They are all in our mind. You might think of Globalization as a
> psychosomatic healing! It might also be that we are simply getting back to
> normal.
> The Disaster/Opportunity Reactions are real and important. When all of the
> defining characteristics of our world become fuzzy or invisible – it is
> incredibly hard to know who you are. And if nobody and nothing tells you
> who you are, I guess that is real open space. Terrifying! A genuine
> Disaster --  with capital “D.” It is no wonder that those who find
> themselves in such a mess (which is pretty much all of us) are angry,
> aggressive, apparently irrational – and willing to listen to anybody who
> promises Stability and the “Return to the Normal.” As in, “Make America (or
> choose another country) Great Again!”
> For those viewing Globalization as an Opportunity – that too is real. The
> elimination of illusory barriers and boundaries offers the potential for a
> radical increase of efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability (if those
> are your goals) as well as creativity and the capacity share the load and
> support our fellows in times of need. When the full diversity of humanity
> is brought to bear on the issues at hand, the collective power is immense.
> But there is a serious caveat.
> This is not an Either/Or.
> Both/And…For sure!
> The Opportunity is real. The Disaster also. Both are present. Both must be
> dealt with.
> Perhaps this sounds novel and shocking – but truthfully the recognition of
> this polarity is ancient. The Yin and the Yang, Shiva as creator and
> destroyer, The Chinese symbol for Chaos combines two symbols, Disaster and
> Opportunity, I’m told. To which we might add the modern newcomer,
> Chaos/Emergence Theory. Old story in new attire.
> So what do you do?
> I think our 32 year experiment with Open Space offers some suggestions. At
> least it might be a good place to start the conversation.
> Interested?
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
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> 189 Beaucauire Ave
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207 763-3261
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