Brett –I have read a little of Lietaer and benefited… and clearly there are 
major economic factors in the phenomenon of Globalization, but I believe that 
economics is but a small part, and perhaps more of a symptom. I suspect you 
would agree (“At any rate, going beyond the usual binaries with open space and 
dialogue to find these new views and connect new dots would be very useful now. 
We need to get past myths and uncover mysteries. It won't happen anywhere else 
for now. I wonder what kinds of dialogues happened behind the scenes that 
allowed Solon to understand what the new Athenian constitution needed to say 
and do? We need to start that process now. Whatever it is.”)





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From: OSList [] On Behalf Of Brett 
Barndt via OSList
Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Harrison Owen; World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] Globalization, open space and Open Space ! ?


Very interesting. I can recommend Bernard Lietaer who writes about the role of 
our money form in generating, as if by emergence alone, this globalizing 
outcome. It turns out, there are certain aspects of its system dynamics that 
centralize power while globalizing reach.

It's aspect of pitting wage workers around the world against each other by 
paying to ship the Singer sewing machines from country to country is no 
accident. It is explicitly funded by those with the power to fund. And, 
explicitly arranged in WTO trade agreements. And, it has been going on since 

At any rate, going beyond the usual binaries with open space and dialogue to 
find these new views and connect new dots would be very useful now. We need to 
get past myths and uncover mysteries. It won't happen anywhere else for now.

I wonder what kinds of dialogues happened behind the scenes that allowed Solon 
to understand what the new Athenian constitution needed to say and do?

We need to start that process now. Whatever it is. 


On Jan 8, 2017 10:00 AM, "Harrison Owen via OSList" 
<> wrote:

Globalization. For some people this word describes Opportunity. For others, 
Disaster. Both are correct, I believe. 


Stripped to essence, Globalization means that the artificial (as in manmade) 
barriers and boundaries which divide our planet are dissolving, thereby 
revealing our natural, global unity. For better or for worse. Nation States, 
Business Enterprises, Tribal Territories, Religions, Cultures …. Are all 
becoming more porous, interconnected, and increasingly irrelevant to the 
emerging life form of Homo sapiens – otherwise known as Us, and the way we live.


Nobody planned  Globalization, nobody runs it, although lots of folks are 
claiming credit or passing blame. The actual causes are multiple, including the 
Internet, global transportation, telephones, TV, FAX, the printing press, etc, 
etc… to name just a few. But the really funny part is  -- Globalization is 
nothing new. We have always been one planet/globe – a fact the astronauts 
recognized with some wonder and shock. Seen from space, none of the barriers 
and boundaries, which seem so important to us, show up. They are all in our 
mind. You might think of Globalization as a psychosomatic healing! It might 
also be that we are simply getting back to normal.


The Disaster/Opportunity Reactions are real and important. When all of the 
defining characteristics of our world become fuzzy or invisible – it is 
incredibly hard to know who you are. And if nobody and nothing tells you who 
you are, I guess that is real open space. Terrifying! A genuine Disaster --  
with capital “D.” It is no wonder that those who find themselves in such a mess 
(which is pretty much all of us) are angry, aggressive, apparently irrational – 
and willing to listen to anybody who promises Stability and the “Return to the 
Normal.” As in, “Make America (or choose another country) Great Again!”


For those viewing Globalization as an Opportunity – that too is real. The 
elimination of illusory barriers and boundaries offers the potential for a 
radical increase of efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability (if those are 
your goals) as well as creativity and the capacity share the load and support 
our fellows in times of need. When the full diversity of humanity is brought to 
bear on the issues at hand, the collective power is immense.


But there is a serious caveat.

This is not an Either/Or. 

Both/And…For sure!


The Opportunity is real. The Disaster also. Both are present. Both must be 
dealt with. 


Perhaps this sounds novel and shocking – but truthfully the recognition of this 
polarity is ancient. The Yin and the Yang, Shiva as creator and destroyer, The 
Chinese symbol for Chaos combines two symbols, Disaster and Opportunity, I’m 
told. To which we might add the modern newcomer, Chaos/Emergence Theory. Old 
story in new attire.


So what do you do?


I think our 32 year experiment with Open Space offers some suggestions. At 
least it might be a good place to start the conversation.








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7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854

301-365-2093 <tel:(301)%20365-2093> 


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207 763-3261 <tel:(207)%20763-3261> 




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