Blew my cover! And I never said not to work. Only…Never work harder than you 
have to. Thanks to Mother Nature, there was some work to be done.




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From: OSList [] On Behalf Of 
Birgitt Williams via OSList
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 2:03 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] Open Space Outdoors


This reminds me of a moment of great laughter, The setting was Highland, North 
Carolina for the Organizational Transformation conference, I think 1997. It was 
a conference that was a turning point in my life in so many ways I cannot list 
them all. Of greatest note is I met Chandra Christianson there, we became close 
friends after she walked across the circle and said 'I would like to get to 
know you', and she eventually introduced me to one of her dearest friends 
Ward...whom I married in 2000 which then resulted in my move from Ontario, 
Canada to Raleigh, North Carolina and ultimately to becoming a US citizen. 


It was also the event at which I met Barry Owen for the first time, out in some 
rocking chairs, and we instantly became fast friends. Barry also has been 
influential in my life in so many great ways, including a BIG lesson in facing 
a fear....he visited us in Canada, we went for a hike, and as I started sliding 
down a very ice covered hill with a dangerous fall off to one side, I was 
overwhelmed by fear. In that very calm way that Barry has, he scooted down the 
hill to catch up to me, and stayed by my side the whole way down, not rescuing 
me in any way but encouraging me inch by inch saying 'Birgitt, you can do 
it...face your fear and just do it'. Barry was also a catalyst in my meeting 
Ward. I flew to Tennessee to attend his wedding on a Feb 13 in 1999. It was 
such a short trip from there to Chandra in North Carolina, a bit of a detour on 
my way back to Canada. And it was on that trip and that detour that I met Ward.


I had lots of surprises in that OST event! Transformative in the extreme!


So, now back to the funny moment that caused me laughter. In an early morning 
walk at the crack of dawn, I and friends walked past the big white tent that 
our OST meeting was in. We peered through the windows sure we had seen 
something inside. And indeed there was someone even at that early hour. It was 
Harrison and he was rescuing reports and agenda items. Overnight there had been 
so much dew that everything had fallen off of the walls. Harrison was hard at 
work so that everything would be in top notch shape when we all arrived. The 
laughter by those of us who were close friends of his was the acknowledgement 
that he secretly worked much harder than he ever let on!


A good time was had by all,


On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 1:29 PM Daniel Mezick via OSList 
<> wrote:

Greetings Chad,

Regarding Open Space outside: 

Some years ago I did arrange an OST event for outside. We used one of those 
tents you can rent with the white tops and roll-down sides with the little 
plastic windows (in case of wind or rain.) You can rent big round ones, or big, 
rectangle-shaped ones. 

One thing that worked good was blue-taping the OST posters to a piece of 
cardboard cut from a large box. We took that and then duct-taped it to each of 
the tent poles. That actually worked pretty good-- they did not fall down or 
spin or flap around or anything like that. The duct tape held good. 

So you might want to try this also, that is, if you are also getting a big tent 
for your event.


*       Posters
*       Blue tape 
*       Duct tape
*       Cardboard backing (cut from a larger box) for the posters


We used a big white board on wheels and wheeled it out to the meeting area, and 
put the marketplace on that. This also worked great.




On 5/5/17 8:40 PM, Michael Herman via OSList wrote:

you might search the archives for "beach" ...and you should find ralph 
copleman's query years ago for ideas for dealing with the challenges of seaside 
open space.  


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates

312-280-7838 <tel:(312)%20280-7838>  (mobile)



On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Chad Clippingdale via OSList 
<> wrote:

I'm interested in learning about people's experience of hosting/facilitating 
open space outdoors, specifically in more remote locations. Any insights would 
be greatly appreciated. 



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Daniel Mezick
Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
(203) 915 7248 <tel:(203)%20915-7248> . Bio. <>  
Blog. <>  Twitter. 
Book: The Culture Game. <>  
Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook. 

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Birgitt Williams


President & Senior Consultant of Dalar International Consultancy, Inc. 


Co-founder of the Extraordinary Leadership Network  

Co-founder of the Genuine Contact™program and author of The Genuine Contact 
Way: Nourishing a Culture of Leadership   <>                   

Co-owner of the Genuine Contact Co-owners Group Ltd.  


Supporting leadership development for leading in a culture requiring agility 
and flexibility in a performance environment of constant change.


Leadership development at your own pace? Become a member of the Extraordinary 
Leadership Network  <> to participate in an online 
leadership development program designed to increase the leadership skills and 
capacity you need to perform in a performance environment of constant change. 


PO Box 19373, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 27619

phone: 1-919-522-7750

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