Anyone committed to taking action forward…that’s who I would call.  Have them 
update each other, connect and support AND have a bigger conversations about 
hat they are learning.


> On Oct 19, 2017, at 2:13 PM, christine koehler 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Chris
> Would you invite the conveners together with the leadership team ?
> Would it work to be at the same time the one that has passion for a  project 
> and the one that select the priorities in ligne with the reinvention strategy 
> ? 
> Indeed I agree that  the ones who call the conversations are the ones that 
> see something that can contribute to the whole. 
> Thanks for the way you frame it.
>> Le 19 oct. 2017 à 21:11, Chris Corrigan < 
>> <>> a écrit :
>> I’d do the three Open Spaces and then have the conveners of each session 
>> invited to a single follow up session to look over the report and help feed 
>> into the overall reinvention strategy.  This would be based on the idea that 
>> the ones who call conversations are seeing something that can contribute to 
>> the whole
>> Perhaps a follow up World Cafe or other process, but make sure that the 
>> leadership harnesses the emergent leadership that is activated in the OS.  
>> The people who propose topics may not be the “usual suspects” and their 
>> perspectives will be valuable to support.
>> Chris
>>> On Oct 19, 2017, at 11:21 AM, christine koehler via OSList 
>>> < <>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear friends and colleagues,
>>> May I ask for advice, ideas and/or  stories ?
>>> I am preparing for a company (owned by its employees)  3 one and a half 
>>> days of OS that will host around 300 participants each.
>>> The 3 events will take place one after the other, but each with different 
>>> participants. The whole company has been invited and almost everyone is 
>>> coming. Only the CEO and the GM will attend the 3 of them.
>>> The theme is the same for the 3 events: re-invent the company.  They are on 
>>> a market that is completely changing those days and they have a very 
>>> ambitious goal with acquisitions (at the time the OS will take place, there 
>>> will be 200 people more in the company, and they are invited) and 
>>> diversification. They have begun looking for new markets and hope to 
>>> continue that with the OS. So their expectations are huge : new 
>>> organizational models for a new company, new projects, new synergies, 
>>> hopefully a new management model. 
>>> The leadership team is following very carefully the event but they are 
>>> already facing overload. They expect to have to prioritize the projects 
>>> that come out of the OS as they expect many projects and probably won't be 
>>> able to fund all of them.
>>> They are aware they should invent a new model but right at the moment they 
>>> want to follow up everything, which, of course, shows that it's not easy to 
>>> change the model. But I am confident that with a few conversations they can 
>>> consider other options.
>>> I suggested to organize one day convergence after those 3 events.
>>> How would you design it ? and who would you invite ? 
>>> I would love  to get ideas from you or what you did in a similar occasion
>>> Christine 
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