Dear Marei,

I wonder what events such as a WOSonOS, OSonOS, Learning Exchange, or any other OST event... would look like with outcomes pre-defined.

Would it be like the vast majority of "gatherings" going on all the time all over the planet employing control and reigning in, curbing and quelling the forces of selforganisation?

......Now I listend to the 1 minute section of the podcast... and continue reading your message:....

Yes, things do change, adapt, go out of business, reinvent themselves... but can things BE changed without inherent interests that require control of the change? And what do those interests have to do with our dreams?

From my point of departure the unique and revolutionary core of open space (and none of this was intended when Harrison came up with this "meeting design" after imbibing some of the martini cocktail spirits) manifested itself slowly as the process came up with paradox results. Paradox in that they did not fit the stuff we used to get. How come, for instance, that without a well honed preset agenda and all the other gimmicks usually employed, astounding stuff happened?

One of the hunches is that the force of selforganisation appears to relish the time and space created in OST events. Of course, we also have ideas about the preconditions for selforganisation to take hold. And from what I see, none of the various approaches employed focus on the force of selforganisation, in fact there is stuff called Open Space that makes no mention of it.

Why? Is it simply not compatible with our ideas of how stuff happens?

What keeps us from posting our issues and assumptions and dreams and visions and quirky details anytime anywhere and for wicked ones at gatherings where we have the time and space to let selforganisation go rampant?

Greetings from Berlin

Am 01.03.2018 um 12:33 schrieb Marai Kiele via OSList:
Dear colleagues,

Are you interested in fresh thinking regarding OST?
Are you interested in making it better?

I recently participated in the WOSonOS planning meeting and ever since I’ve 
been wondering:
What could make me eager to go to Iceland?

Right now, I am not eager. Yet.

I have already been to three WOSonOS (2003 in Svenmark, 2005 in Canada, 2010 in 
Berlin) and several OSonOS.
I don’t need another OST just to share some practices, experiences, stories.
Just to see old friends (while I love meeting old friends!). Just to make new 
friends (while I love making new friends!).

But none of this evokes the desire to go to Iceland for WOSonOS from me.
How about you?

So I’ve been contemplating:
What would I need to happen there, so that I create the money and time to go?
What would need to have evolved, so that afterwards I will celebrate having 
been there?

Today I listened to a podcast by Seth Godin, who I appreciate for his honest 
and brilliant approach to marketing.
Regarding the grandest possible vision for OST I invite you to listen to 1 
        Stopp what is playing automatically
        Scroll down to the episodes and start „The Grand Opening"
        Listen to 10:57 - 11:58

Please take 1,5 minutes, listen first, than continue reading. Thank you.


So referring to what he shared and applying it to OST:

Can OST actually be made better?
I know there is a strong perspective of every change = making it worse.
I once thought that way. Not anymore.

What if there actually were many things to make it better?
Be it in the format, the marketing, how it is integrated into business…

So that we relax and trust that… slowly and naturally… some day soon… everyone 
is going to know about it?
And what could this year's WOSonOS have to do with it?

Just wondering…

Any thoughts, feelings, further questions?

PS - some of you may remember me:
I am located in Germany, back on this list after many years of absence. I was 
pretty active in this community starting in 2003… Left several years ago.
One: I wasn’t learning as intensely as before and had a sense that the space 
for fresh thinking was closing.
Two: Other topics captured my passion, including the Genuine Contact approach - 
which integrates OST and made it better ;-) - so I believe...

With curiosity to explore together,

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