Like Birgitt and Harrison, I’ve been a pretty “pure drop” practitioner of OST, 
although that hasn’t stopped me from doing other things in and around OST 
events and trying them with interesting constraints.  As a single method, it is 
a highly polished jewel and has terrific applicability to a number of 
situations and issues.  I love it.

My deep engagement and thinking around OST has led me to deeply look at teh 
dynamics of self-organizing systems and the leadership and facilitation 
practices that support these kinds of methods.  That has led me into a long 
engagement with the Art of Hosting community where folks who learned how to do 
this within several communities of practice around methods have come together 
for 20 years to look at the broader implications of “hosting” as facilitation 
and leadership practice and learning as a fundamental organizational strategy.

That “community of praxis,” as I call it, differs from the communities of 
practice that have grown up around methods.  What we are doing (and this is 
true I think of other communities of praxis like Genuine Contact, Theory U, 
Human System dynamics and others) is working with a generative framework of 
theory that informs multiple practice approaches.  Theory channeled into a 
framework that generates different kinds of practices or provides a coherent 
explanation for why methods like OST work for complex adaptive systems…

For me personally the deep work that the OST community of practice has put into 
the method has resulted in an absolute gem.It’s not the only method I use for 
work, but when I use it, it’s pretty much version 1.0.  

Yes things need to evolve.  Animals and plants evolve. But they do so because 
the dynamics of life remain the same.  Life is life.

There are many methods but self-organization as a pattern has been the same for 
13.8 billion years, even though it has resulted in a massive diversity of 
things that have emerged - giraffes, inspiration, meteors, soap, hydrogen, 
party balloons, and gin. That consistency is why it seems to me that OST has 
changed so little over the years.  There is always novelty produced inside the 
container.  But the container remains the same.  

I’m not sure if I can come to Iceland. But if I did, it wouldn’t be about 
finding a new version of OST. It would be to hang out and connect with folks, 
explore new ideas, hear some stories, drink some Brennivin and celebrate the 
beautifully polished gem.  That’s just me though. And probably there’d be some 
conversations about “what next?” That might be interesting. And I love it that 
people make new things.

But it’s important that the source code be preserved by at least some of us.  
We can do both/and.  I like hanging out wit the source code.  I’ll do that.  
You all do your thing, and let’s keep meeting here to talk about what we’re 


> On Mar 1, 2018, at 11:09 AM, Birgitt Williams via OSList 
> <> wrote:
> Dear Marai,
> Thank you for your invitation to imagine. Just yesterday I wrote a  blog post 
> <>
>  about the benefits from the power of imagination...and using meetings as a 
> catalyst to soar. Within participative meetings, especially when the space is 
> genuinely open, we benefit from the power of imagination. Imagination fuels 
> creativity. By nature, all people have (are) creative and creating spirit.
> In the blog post, I speak about the importance of well done planning for the 
> participatory meeting. No matter what kind of participatory meeting method is 
> used, space gets opened for imagination and creative spirit. I think of open 
> space as sacred space, and what is referred to as 'opening space' invites the 
> use of imagination to remember that spirit is all that is. 
> For over 25 years I have been a purist when it comes to facilitating the Open 
> Space Technology meeting as the way of doing so as taught by Harrison opens 
> space in the best ways for people to access their awareness of their 
> connection with their creative spirit, benefiting from the power of 
> imagination to do so. I think that we have evolved beyond discussions of Open 
> Space Technology as it is just fine as it is.
> We seem to discuss opening space and it is valuable not to confuse that with 
> OST, which is simply one form, albeit a great one, of opening space. I have 
> interest in a WOSONOS that recognizes this distinction and opens itself to 
> people who are interested in the space that is opened via any participatory 
> meeting or any other means.
> Blessings to all,
> Birgitt
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 12:13 PM Skye Hirst via OSList 
> < <>> 
> wrote:
> I just found this poem,  I think I wrote it, not sure,  but sounds relevant.  
> Come into opening the circle of Living processes
> Where life appears mysterious and wonderful
> Where "can'ts"  do find "how-tos."
> Where the diversity of us together
> Is far more than the sum of the parts.
> And it is something to do with us being embodied living beings - to-gather
> Thank you so for your thoughtful inviting.....oh heck,  opening the space 
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 6:33 AM, Marai Kiele via OSList 
> < <>> 
> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Are you interested in fresh thinking regarding OST?
> Are you interested in making it better?
> I recently participated in the WOSonOS planning meeting and ever since I’ve 
> been wondering:
> What could make me eager to go to Iceland?
> Right now, I am not eager. Yet.
> I have already been to three WOSonOS (2003 in Svenmark, 2005 in Canada, 2010 
> in Berlin) and several OSonOS.
> I don’t need another OST just to share some practices, experiences, stories.
> Just to see old friends (while I love meeting old friends!). Just to make new 
> friends (while I love making new friends!).
> But none of this evokes the desire to go to Iceland for WOSonOS from me.
> How about you?
> So I’ve been contemplating:
> What would I need to happen there, so that I create the money and time to go?
> What would need to have evolved, so that afterwards I will celebrate having 
> been there?
> Today I listened to a podcast by Seth Godin, who I appreciate for his honest 
> and brilliant approach to marketing.
> Regarding the grandest possible vision for OST I invite you to listen to 1 
> minute:
> <>
>         Stopp what is playing automatically
>         Scroll down to the episodes and start „The Grand Opening"
>         Listen to 10:57 - 11:58
> Please take 1,5 minutes, listen first, than continue reading. Thank you.
>         *
> So referring to what he shared and applying it to OST:
> Can OST actually be made better?
> I know there is a strong perspective of every change = making it worse.
> I once thought that way. Not anymore.
> What if there actually were many things to make it better?
> Be it in the format, the marketing, how it is integrated into business…
> So that we relax and trust that… slowly and naturally… some day soon… 
> everyone is going to know about it?
> And what could this year's WOSonOS have to do with it?
> Just wondering…
> Any thoughts, feelings, further questions?
> PS - some of you may remember me:
> I am located in Germany, back on this list after many years of absence. I was 
> pretty active in this community starting in 2003… Left several years ago.
> One: I wasn’t learning as intensely as before and had a sense that the space 
> for fresh thinking was closing.
> Two: Other topics captured my passion, including the Genuine Contact approach 
> - which integrates OST and made it better ;-) - so I believe...
> With curiosity to explore together,
> Marai
> <>
> <>
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> -- 
> Skye Hirst, PhD
> President - The Autognomics Institute
> Conversations in Radical Self-Knowing
> <>
> @autognomics 
> 207-593-8074 <tel:(207)%20593-8074>
> "Nature ever flows, stands never still. Motion or change is her mode of 
> existence."
> - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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> Birgitt Williams
> Closing the Gap Between Potential and Results
> Services 
> <> 
> Leadership & Organizational Development Training, 
> <>
> Author, President & Senior Consultant of Dalar International Consultancy, Inc.
> Co-founder: Genuine Contact program
> Co-founder of the Extraordinary Leadership Network 
> <>
> Co-owner of the Genuine Contact Co-owners Group Ltd. 
> <>
> Supporting leadership development for leading in a culture requiring agility 
> and flexibility in a performance environment of constant change.
> PO Box 19373, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 27619
> phone: 1-919-522-7750
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