Jake, I have a few thoughts.

The first is that Peggy's link to the essays in the AI Practitioner will help you sort this out.

I learned about OST from Harrison in the very early years. I learned AI from David before there was a book. I have used both separately and together based on the unique context of each project. I have worked using OST hundreds of times. I have used AI about a dozen times and each time it worked incredibly well... and a few of those were followed up by use of OST at some point. Credit for the selection of either approach, as well as the success of the process, lies with the people in the system, who chose to organize to make a difference in their worlds.

Your question about whether your own unconscious bias is part of your reaction is worth exploring. However, if you have been taught in a way that leaves the impression that the generative questions guide the participants in ways controlled by anyone other than the participants, then you may also may want to examine the knowledge and biases of whoever is teaching you. I have seen both approaches taught and managed badly.

Finally, I am always curious about what is behind the question, "what is the relationship between" this methodology or that. I have seen the same question raised by devotees of Future Search, Search, World Cafe, ToP, and others. I'm not sure anymore what portion of the members of this list use one or more approaches to their work, including OST. My impression is that, like most similar groups, there are some true believers and some mix and matchers. Not very scientific or academic distinctions... I'm sure the bell curve applies somehow. I have no judgement here.

However, I very recently found myself in a similar conversation with some of my musician friends and colleagues. If you will indulge me, please, And trust that this will all connect (at least in my own peculiar mind) here is where I find myself mucking about tonight:

From my perspective the more interesting questions on this list have to do with the underlying values and beliefs that influence how we enter into communion with the people we work with... what are the deeper meanings of self-organization, spirit, emergence, power and the powers of narrative and image.

As an amateur ethno-musicologist I love to explore the relationship of of musical genres and methods across cultures. It is a fun journey, whether alone or with others.

But as a performing musician, the connection with an audience during a performance is rooted in the deeper questions of spirit, emergence, power, openness and self organization (especially in a jam session)... no matter whether the show is rooted in one musical genre or many.

Whether it is OST or AI or ... or jazz, or blues, or classical or... the connection and work are rooted in our answers to the deeper questions.

For what it is worth...


Chris Kloth
ChangeWorks of the Heartland
254 South Merkle Road
Bexley, OH 43209-1801
ph 614-239-1336
fax 614-237-2347

Think globally. Act locally.

Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:

Hey everyone,

First, thank you all for entertaining my questions! I really appreciate
your responses: they help me learn a great deal and to recognize the--often
erroneous!--assumptions I am making.

That said, I have another question! :) What do you find to be the
relationship between Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and OST?

I am studying AI as part of my OD training at work, and it doesn't sit 100%
with me like Open Space does. I think it's because I feel it is
manipulative, that is, it uses generative questions to guide participants'
trajectory as opposed to letting the participants themselves choose their
trajectory. However, AI appears to be very effective, so I wonder if my
resistance is due to some unconscious bias I have.

Would love to hear your thoughts.


Much love,

When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
you will be free of problems.
 - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/>

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