This reminds me of something else, Marai, that might I left out of my
previous response to Mark's question...

What is an new, uncertified, would-be, wanna-be facilitator to do about
cracking into this game?

I would say they should do just what you have done here, Marai, to tell
their own story... When I first found this "thing" I was... and there will
be all kinds of connections in that... "I was up late trying to think of
how to solve this community/organizational/technical/leadership/whatever
sort of problem or issue and i stumbled on this idea..."  and then anywhere
it goes, anything that made me think it might work "here" is the story I
can immediately and naturally tell my colleagues.  If they see it, we can
proceed.  If now, well it might not be time.

Alternatively, there is also the scenario where I stumble upon this OS
thing and I am the decision-maker, I am the one who could write the invite
and bring people together around the story/theme that is most important to
me.  So I go straight to the people I know and ask them to join me, to
address this issue that I think we might all care about.  This is even
better than the first scenario, because it goes straight to action, no
talking about process and design... just invite and get to work.  And in
this case, the "story" I tell is also same as yours, Marai.  It's still
what I call, "the story of how I/we got here."

And that is a story that anyone can tell.  Every time I work with a
leader/sponsor, I let them know they have three minutes (this thanks to
MMP, but that's another story) to welcome and address the people who've
gathered.  This "3-mins" always piques their curiosity and many think I
must have something very specific I want them to do, given that I know so
specifically how long is needed.  And I always suggest the same thing:
"simply tell the story of how we got here."

Sometimes that's the history of the company.   Sometimes it's the history
of the issue, or the journey the organizing committee traveled in choosing
this crazy way of meeting.  Sometimes it's even been how we traveled to
this conference, as 1/3 of the group was delayed by a snowstorm.  But it
always ends up being grounded in some purpose.  We always find the
organizing impetus in the chaos of the journey.

And then, when we make the agenda and everyone breaks out into the corners
of the room, without any instruction, the natural thing for each convener
to do is begin with something like, "Well, I guess we should start... Maybe
I will tell you something about how I got to writing these words in my
topic ..." and then the group directly or indirectly ends up going around
and others share their stories of how they got to thinking this issue was
important and how they decided to join this breakout and what they are
hoping might happen as a result.

And this is why I think OS is self-certifying, because it's always only
ever been about each of us certifying our own story, in the context of
working community.


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 12:24 PM Marai Kiele via OSList <> wrote:

> Only takes one minute to explain, or one second to discover.
> Which I neither believe nor agree to, Paul.
> If it only took one minute to explain, wouldn’t this whole list, all of
> Harrison’s books, thousands of peoples postings, conversations, training
> materials etc all be totally obsolete?
> Why would we even have any further conversation about it?
> *
> In 2002, when first I read about OST for the first time, I „got“ it, on a
> deep spiritual level.
> Half a year later I went to my first OST, which happened to be a full 2,5
> days exposure.
> I was thoroughly impacted.
> Afterwards, I knew that I wanted to not only „use“ OST as a process, but I
> acknowledged it as a way of living.
> And I also knew I was setting myself up for quite a journey.
> I learned about practicalities of setting up OST with small and large
> numbers of people, and later in online settings.
> I learned about helping a group of people to discover a burning theme.
> About when to use it and when not.
> About presence and holding space.
> About becoming an embodiment of „Whatever happens…“ which to me is quit
> different than just declaring the principle, but not living it
> And so much more...
> Especially I learned about the difference of using OST as a one-time event
> (conference / annual meeting …) or within a long term project / an
> organisation.
> To me, that difference is like having one deep conversation on the train
> with a stranger (easy, at least for me)
> OR
> building a long-term relationship, really getting to know another, on good
> days and bad days, moving through conflict, evolving together over time
> (not so easy, at least not for me)
> Two quite different endeavours.
> Not something to learn within only one minute.
> But maybe I am just a very slow learner…
> Marai
> Joyful Together
> Liberating Joy at Work
> phone: +49 171-810 7161
> ** <>
> Virtual: Join the monthly
> Global Oasis for Emerging Leaders
> <>
> In person: Join the OLS in Berlin, Nov 18 - 20, 2019
> Open Leadership Symposium Berlin
> <>
> Am 14.08.2019 um 19:38 schrieb paul levy via OSList <
> I'd never certify OST. Only takes one minute to explain, or one second to
> discover.
> Best wishes,
> Paul Levy
> Paul Levy
> Writer, facilitator, conversifier and collusion breaker
> On Wed, 14 Aug 2019, 17:05 Chris Corrigan via OSList, <
>> wrote:
>> You do realize that Jesus never certified practitioners of Christianity,
>> right? And that subsequent attempts to do so basically created a toxic
>> blending of Church and Empire that contributed to mass amounts of suffering
>> through incredibly toxic and psychopathic uses of power and control for
>> most of the last 1700 years?
>> And I say that as a Christian who works with churches.
>> Mark, just open space.  That’s what the world wants more of. It does not
>> want or need more  people running around saying they are certified to open
>> space.  It truly doesn’t care. Your credentials mean nothing if you aren’t
>> actually opening space.  And if you are opening space, no one will care
>> what your credentials are.  The best OST meetings I’ve ever been a part of
>> were facilitated by people who had never done them before.  They cared
>> about the participants, they took care to follow the instructions, they
>> took nothing for granted, and they learned a lot about themselves and
>> others.  Some of these people were 14 years old.
>> Coincidently, some of these people are also the best Christians I have
>> ever met, too, for the same reasons.
>> Just do the work and share your learning and get better at it. That’s how
>> I learned, that’s how I support others and that’s my invitation to you.
>> Resist the devilish temptation to build an empire.
>> Chris
>> On Aug 14, 2019, at 8:39 AM, Mark Carmel via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> Fascinating conversation. This is exactly why we need a
>> certification-like program and an organizational structure for the future
>> if we want to train people in the finer points of sustaining open space
>> interventions over time as Chris has done. There is a lot more to it than
>> just throwing out an invitation and opening up the market place. It is
>> interesting to me that from the most seasoned open space masters the idea
>> was instantly shot down, saying...we discussed that already... Now that is
>> not what an open space facilitator normally does right? Shoot down other
>> people's ideas. The world has evolved into one that respects credentials.
>> Interestingly the ones who spoke the strongest against certification have
>> already given themselves nice fancy titles. Which is wonderful.  Because
>> credentials really do matter. Right now open space facilitators must give
>> themself their own title and otherwise have no backing whatsoever to lend
>> credibility to their self given titles. When you talk about overcoming the
>> resistance of executives and with the retaliation nation nature of things
>> now (look at Hong Kong) it makes sense to put some structure to the
>> educational credentialing of OSTsters from apprentice  to Master to
>> mentor.  In terms of VISION and MISSION and VALUES and STRATEGY, why is it
>> that we facilitators want to apply that same organizational structure for
>> ALL other organizations but resist doing the same for OUR work, to create
>> OUR organization... What IS our hope the world magically
>> organizes around OST... or to make it happen through a viable 1,000 year
>> vision.  In his great book, Leadership Is,  Harrison is spot on to define
>> OST as the ONE way for leaders to be a caretaker of the Spirit.  We must
>> not be naive to believe that leaders will not crush the Spirit once it
>> emerges in Open Space. This requires highly advanced training to be able to
>> navigate the process over decades of implementation.  ALL great decisions
>> require great leadership. If OST ever gets an organization, I hope this
>> idea will be considered by its leaders or of course someone else will do it
>> or it will not be done. In some ways, or all ways, Harrison has created a
>> new religion of Spirit and I hope that an organizational structure WILL be
>> created kinda like that other dude who started out with 12 disciples.
>> Peace,
>> Mark Carmel
>> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 11:03 PM <>
>> wrote:
>>> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>    1. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Chris Kloth)
>>>    2. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Harrison Owen)
>>>    3. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Peggy Holman)
>>>    4. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Jake Yeager)
>>>    5. Open Space Hangout! Tues Aug 13, 12 PM EDT! (Tony Budak)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:25:41 -0400
>>> From: Chris Kloth <>
>>> To:
>>> Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>>         <>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID:
>>>         <>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed"
>>> Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
>>> a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is
>>> pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
>>> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to
>>> start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he
>>> thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it
>>> clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace
>>> issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be
>>> addressed in such a setting.
>>> I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
>>> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and
>>> requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to
>>> listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
>>> and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big
>>> time. I will admit I was nervous.
>>> The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
>>> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n
>>> the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the
>>> second round the company president faxed from the other site that
>>> their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and
>>> optimism.
>>> --
>>> Shalom,
>>> Chris Kloth
>>> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> ph 614-239-1336
>>> fax 614-237-2347
>>> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> Quoting Jake Yeager <>:
>>> > Hey Chris,
>>> >
>>> > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
>>> > active!
>>> >
>>> > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> >
>>> >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the
>>> non-profit
>>> >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
>>> sites.
>>> >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you
>>> recommend for
>>> >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you so much Chris!
>>> >
>>> > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> > executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> >
>>> > All the best,
>>> > Jake
>>> > ________________
>>> >
>>> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
>>> and
>>> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >  - Robert Adams <>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
>>> >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
>>> >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> >> structure.
>>> >>
>>> >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
>>> >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
>>> >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Shalom,
>>> >>
>>> >> Chris Kloth
>>> >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> >> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> >> ph 614-239-1336
>>> >> fax 614-237-2347
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <>:
>>> >>
>>> >> > Hi all,
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
>>> statement
>>> >> or
>>> >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> >> recommendations?
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks!
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Much love as always,
>>> >> > Jake
>>> >> >
>>> >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> >> > ________________
>>> >> >
>>> >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once
>>> again, and
>>> >> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >> >  - Robert Adams <>
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:57:37 -0400
>>> From: "Harrison Owen" <>
>>> To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
>>>         <>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID: <001201d55158$f4f61ec0$dee25c40$@com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
>>> Beautiful! Thank you Chris!!
>>> ho
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: OSList [] On Behalf
>>> Of
>>> Chris Kloth via OSList
>>> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 5:26 PM
>>> To:
>>> Cc: Chris Kloth; World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
>>> a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is
>>> pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
>>> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to
>>> start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he
>>> thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it
>>> clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace
>>> issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be
>>> addressed in such a setting.
>>> I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
>>> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and
>>> requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to
>>> listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
>>> and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big
>>> time. I will admit I was nervous.
>>> The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
>>> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n
>>> the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the
>>> second round the company president faxed from the other site that
>>> their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and
>>> optimism.
>>> --
>>> Shalom,
>>> Chris Kloth
>>> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> ph 614-239-1336
>>> fax 614-237-2347
>>> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> Quoting Jake Yeager <>:
>>> > Hey Chris,
>>> >
>>> > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
>>> > active!
>>> >
>>> > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> >
>>> >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the
>>> non-profit
>>> >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
>>> sites.
>>> >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you
>>> recommend
>>> for
>>> >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you so much Chris!
>>> >
>>> > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> > executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> >
>>> > All the best,
>>> > Jake
>>> > ________________
>>> >
>>> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
>>> and
>>> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >  - Robert Adams <>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
>>> >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
>>> >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> >> structure.
>>> >>
>>> >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
>>> >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
>>> >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Shalom,
>>> >>
>>> >> Chris Kloth
>>> >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> >> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> >> ph 614-239-1336
>>> >> fax 614-237-2347
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <>:
>>> >>
>>> >> > Hi all,
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
>>> statement
>>> >> or
>>> >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> >> recommendations?
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks!
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Much love as always,
>>> >> > Jake
>>> >> >
>>> >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> >> > ________________
>>> >> >
>>> >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
>>> and
>>> >> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >> >  - Robert Adams <>
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> Past archives can be viewed here:
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 15:23:21 -0700
>>> From: Peggy Holman <>
>>> To: Open Listserv <>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID: <>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> I?ll add another strategic planning story to the mix. In the 1999, I did
>>> a project with the Washington State Arts Commission to create a strategic
>>> plan that was widely embraced by artists and arts organizations all over
>>> the state. The commission?s continued funding was riding on success.
>>> We hosted 20 Open Space convenings around the state over 6 weeks. The
>>> first and last were statewide. The rest were 3-hour sessions in towns as
>>> small as Twisp and cities as large as Seattle. In the end, the arts
>>> commission created a plan that was not only widely embraced, but two years
>>> later during an economic downturn, the funding held when other departments
>>> were cut because of the widespread support.
>>> When we started, the commission members were convinced large and small,
>>> east and west, rural and urban would all be at war with each other. In
>>> fact, they found synergies and ways to partner.
>>> A bit more of the story is here:
>>> <
>>> Peggy
>>> ________________________________
>>> Peggy Holman
>>> Co-founder
>>> Journalism That Matters
>>> 15347 SE 49th Place
>>> Bellevue, WA  98006
>>> 206-948-0432
>>> Twitter: @peggyholman
>>> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
>>> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning?Upheaval into
>>> Opportunity <>
>>> > On Aug 12, 2019, at 2:25 PM, Chris Kloth via OSList <
>>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
>>> a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is pretty
>>> consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> >
>>> > That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
>>> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to start a
>>> very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he thought this
>>> approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it clear that he was sure
>>> labor issues over wages and other workplace issues would probably come up
>>> and that there was no way these could be addressed in such a setting.
>>> >
>>> > I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
>>> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and requested
>>> that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to listen to the
>>> workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> >
>>> > No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
>>> and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big time.
>>> I will admit I was nervous.
>>> >
>>> > The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
>>> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n the
>>> valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the second
>>> round the company president faxed from the other site that their ideas were
>>> all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> >
>>> > The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and
>>> optimism.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Shalom,
>>> >
>>> > Chris Kloth
>>> > ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> > 254 South Merkle Road
>>> > Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> > ph 614-239-1336
>>> > fax 614-237-2347
>>> > <>
>>> >
>>> > Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Quoting Jake Yeager < <mailto:
>>> >
>>> >> Hey Chris,
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> >> experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is
>>> still
>>> >> active!
>>> >>
>>> >> If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> >>
>>> >>   - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the
>>> non-profit
>>> >>   partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> >>   - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
>>> sites.
>>> >>   I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you
>>> recommend for
>>> >>   executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> >>
>>> >> Thank you so much Chris!
>>> >>
>>> >> Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> >> executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> >>
>>> >> All the best,
>>> >> Jake
>>> >> ________________
>>> >>
>>> >> When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
>>> and
>>> >> you will be free of problems.
>>> >> - Robert Adams < <
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <
>>> <>>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> >>> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of
>>> the
>>> >>> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> >>> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We
>>> had
>>> >>> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> >>> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> >>> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> >>> structure.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> >>> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
>>> >>> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in
>>> a
>>> >>> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> >>> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> >>> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> --
>>> >>> Shalom,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Chris Kloth
>>> >>> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> >>> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> >>> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> >>> ph 614-239-1336
>>> >>> fax 614-237-2347
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <>:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> > Hi all,
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
>>> statement
>>> >>> or
>>> >>> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> >>> recommendations?
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Thanks!
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Much love as always,
>>> >>> > Jake
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> >>> > ________________
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once
>>> again, and
>>> >>> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >>> >  - Robert Adams <>
>>> >>> >
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > OSList mailing list
>>> > To post send emails to
>>> > To unsubscribe send an email to
>>> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> >
>>> > Past archives can be viewed here:
>>> -------------- next part --------------
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>>> >
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 4
>>> Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 07:54:31 -0400
>>> From: Jake Yeager <>
>>> Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>>         <>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID:
>>>         <CAESAiLT2+Aa=KQKctTAwMwryHpSy4owZBfCyVcgJsX=
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Thank you everyone for your replies! They are very, very helpful.
>>> I have contracted with an internal client who is interested in using OST.
>>> His team is cross-site, so these suggestions and experiences are
>>> invaluable. It really is about experimenting, identifying what works, and
>>> sharing my experience with others to move the work forward. Oh, and
>>> trusting the people. :)
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Much love,
>>> Jake
>>> ________________
>>> When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
>>> you will be free of problems.
>>>  - Robert Adams <>
>>> On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 5:25 PM Chris Kloth <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
>>> > a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is
>>> > pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> >
>>> > That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
>>> > powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to
>>> > start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he
>>> > thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it
>>> > clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace
>>> > issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be
>>> > addressed in such a setting.
>>> >
>>> > I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
>>> > would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and
>>> > requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to
>>> > listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> >
>>> > No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
>>> > and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big
>>> > time. I will admit I was nervous.
>>> >
>>> > The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
>>> > minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n
>>> > the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the
>>> > second round the company president faxed from the other site that
>>> > their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> >
>>> > The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and
>>> optimism.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Shalom,
>>> >
>>> > Chris Kloth
>>> > ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> > 254 South Merkle Road
>>> > Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> > ph 614-239-1336
>>> > fax 614-237-2347
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Quoting Jake Yeager <>:
>>> >
>>> > > Hey Chris,
>>> > >
>>> > > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> > > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is
>>> still
>>> > > active!
>>> > >
>>> > > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> > >
>>> > >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the
>>> non-profit
>>> > >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> > >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
>>> > sites.
>>> > >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you
>>> recommend
>>> > for
>>> > >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> > >
>>> > > Thank you so much Chris!
>>> > >
>>> > > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> > > executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> > >
>>> > > All the best,
>>> > > Jake
>>> > > ________________
>>> > >
>>> > > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
>>> and
>>> > > you will be free of problems.
>>> > >  - Robert Adams <>
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <
>>> > >
>>> > > wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> > >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of
>>> the
>>> > >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> > >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We
>>> had
>>> > >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> > >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> > >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> > >> structure.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> > >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early
>>> childhood
>>> > >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting
>>> in a
>>> > >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> > >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> > >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> --
>>> > >> Shalom,
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Chris Kloth
>>> > >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> > >> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> > >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> > >> ph 614-239-1336
>>> > >> fax 614-237-2347
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <>:
>>> > >>
>>> > >> > Hi all,
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
>>> > statement
>>> > >> or
>>> > >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> > >> recommendations?
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > Thanks!
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > Much love as always,
>>> > >> > Jake
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> > >> > ________________
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once
>>> again,
>>> > and
>>> > >> > you will be free of problems.
>>> > >> >  - Robert Adams <>
>>> > >> >
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 5
>>> Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:11:40 -0400
>>> From: Tony Budak <>
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [OSList] Open Space Hangout! Tues Aug 13, 12 PM EDT!
>>> Message-ID: <>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>>> *Open Space Hang Out is ON for today at NOON est*
>>> On 8/5/2019 6:49 PM, Tricia Chirumbole via OSList wrote:
>>> > Hey all!!
>>> >
>>> > We'll be hanging out again tomorrow and waiting to see who shows up
>>> > and what happens! The Open Space hangout will be happening on Zoom
>>> > this *Tuesday*?- *August 6th **@12 PM Eastern Daylight Time!*
>>> >
>>> > Pop in and ask questions, workshop ideas, explore possibilities, share
>>> > what's up or just listen or say hi! We will gather for 1+ hours - Law
>>> > of Two feet applies!
>>> >
>>> > ** Feel free to pass it one to friends who are not on the list **
>>> >
>>> > *
>>> > *
>>> >
>>> > *Sign-up and post topics:*
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Join the call from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
>>> >
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > a. Join by phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 (US Toll)
>>> >
>>> > b. International numbers available:
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > c. Meeting ID: 751 609 912
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Until then!
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> End of OSList Digest, Vol 100, Issue 11
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