Inspired by Harrison’s reflections here, I’ll offer one final thought on this 
thread, and then I’m out.  This is a well known story that is often used to 
apply to gossip, but I believe can be applied to the folly of trying to capture 
and encase what Harrison and and few thousand other people have let loose on 
the world:

Enjoy.  I love a good parable.  


> On Aug 14, 2019, at 10:24 AM, Harrison Owen via OSList 
> <> wrote:
> Actually, I beg to differ. As one who has been in the Open Space game as long 
> as anyone, I suppose – the whole possibility of certification (or whatever, 
> by which ever name) is a) oxymoronic, b) technically dubious (I can’t imagine 
> how you would actually do it), and strategically a bad play. 
> Teaching/certifying Open Space is rather like certifying breathing … a 
> natural activity which comes with our existence. It is true that some people 
> learn to do it (breathing) better … Olympic Athletes for example … but it 
> really is a natural act. Opening space is a natural act. Some do it better 
> than others … but it is what we do. Creating a Certification program for 
> enabling that boggles my mind. Right up there with creating a “certification 
> program” for being “human.”  B) Technically dubious… Every situation is so 
> contextually defined that any criteria for performance (certification) would 
> be so limited as to be not useful. Translated that would mean something like 
> – would Open Space Certification guarantee that the individual would work 
> with equal effectiveness with Afghanis and North American White Supremacists? 
> I doubt that, and more than that… it all seems to happen very naturally all 
> by itself, has for a number of years … (with absolutely NO Program, OST is 
> now a worldwide phenomenon). C) Strategically a bad play… Fact is, OST is the 
> control oriented, certification aficionada, managers -- worst nightmare.  If 
> it actually did what 30+ years of global experience seems to demonstrate that 
> it does… Much if not all of what currently is the “lode star” of managerial 
> competence, “CONTROL” … Never happened. But we can’t let that secret out. 
> Blow our cover! However, if you quietly open space wherever, whenever, 
> however, about what ever… as often as you can – Magic does seem to happen. 
> And the truth is ( my truth) is that anybody can do it. 
> ho
> From: OSList [] On Behalf Of 
> David Osborne via OSList
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 12:33 PM
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Cc: David Osborne; Mark Carmel
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Why CERTIFICATION makes sense considering this 
> conversation on Mission, Vision Strategy Plans, etc.
> Great thoughtful post Mark. Thanks for stimulating my thinking, reflection 
> and imagination. 
> David
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 14, 2019, at 11:39 AM, Mark Carmel via OSList 
> < <>> 
> wrote:
>> Fascinating conversation. This is exactly why we need a certification-like 
>> program and an organizational structure for the future if we want to train 
>> people in the finer points of sustaining open space interventions over time 
>> as Chris has done. There is a lot more to it than just throwing out an 
>> invitation and opening up the market place. It is interesting to me that 
>> from the most seasoned open space masters the idea was instantly shot down, 
>> saying...we discussed that already... Now that is not what an open space 
>> facilitator normally does right? Shoot down other people's ideas. The world 
>> has evolved into one that respects credentials. Interestingly the ones who 
>> spoke the strongest against certification have already given themselves nice 
>> fancy titles. Which is wonderful.  Because credentials really do matter. 
>> Right now open space facilitators must give themself their own title and 
>> otherwise have no backing whatsoever to lend credibility to their self given 
>> titles. When you talk about overcoming the resistance of executives and with 
>> the retaliation nation nature of things now (look at Hong Kong) it makes 
>> sense to put some structure to the educational credentialing of OSTsters 
>> from apprentice  to Master to mentor.  In terms of VISION and MISSION and 
>> VALUES and STRATEGY, why is it that we facilitators want to apply that same 
>> organizational structure for ALL other organizations but resist doing the 
>> same for OUR work, to create OUR organization... What IS our 
>> hope the world magically organizes around OST... or to make it happen 
>> through a viable 1,000 year vision.  In his great book, Leadership Is,  
>> Harrison is spot on to define OST as the ONE way for leaders to be a 
>> caretaker of the Spirit.  We must not be naive to believe that leaders will 
>> not crush the Spirit once it emerges in Open Space. This requires highly 
>> advanced training to be able to navigate the process over decades of 
>> implementation.  ALL great decisions require great leadership. If OST ever 
>> gets an organization, I hope this idea will be considered by its leaders or 
>> of course someone else will do it or it will not be done. In some ways, or 
>> all ways, Harrison has created a new religion of Spirit and I hope that an 
>> organizational structure WILL be created kinda like that other dude who 
>> started out with 12 disciples. 
>> Peace,
>> Mark Carmel
>> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 11:03 PM < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
>>> <>
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> <>
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> <>
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> <>
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>    1. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Chris Kloth)
>>>    2. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Harrison Owen)
>>>    3. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Peggy Holman)
>>>    4. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Jake Yeager)
>>>    5. Open Space Hangout! Tues Aug 13, 12 PM EDT! (Tony Budak)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:25:41 -0400
>>> From: Chris Kloth < 
>>> <>>
>>> To: <>
>>> Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>>         < 
>>> <>>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID:
>>>         < 
>>> <>>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed"
>>> Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of  
>>> a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is  
>>> pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a  
>>> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to  
>>> start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he  
>>> thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it  
>>> clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace  
>>> issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be  
>>> addressed in such a setting.
>>> I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues  
>>> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and  
>>> requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to  
>>> listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round  
>>> and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big  
>>> time. I will admit I was nervous.
>>> The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30  
>>> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n  
>>> the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the  
>>> second round the company president faxed from the other site that  
>>> their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and optimism.
>>> -- 
>>> Shalom,
>>> Chris Kloth
>>> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> ph 614-239-1336
>>> fax 614-237-2347
>>> <>
>>> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> Quoting Jake Yeager < 
>>> <>>:
>>> > Hey Chris,
>>> >
>>> > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
>>> > active!
>>> >
>>> > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> >
>>> >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the non-profit
>>> >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple sites.
>>> >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you recommend 
>>> > for
>>> >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you so much Chris!
>>> >
>>> > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> > executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> >
>>> > All the best,
>>> > Jake
>>> > ________________
>>> >
>>> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
>>> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >  - Robert Adams < 
>>> > <>>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth < 
>>> > <>>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
>>> >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
>>> >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> >> structure.
>>> >>
>>> >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
>>> >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
>>> >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Shalom,
>>> >>
>>> >> Chris Kloth
>>> >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> >> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> >> ph 614-239-1336
>>> >> fax 614-237-2347
>>> >> <>
>>> >>
>>> >> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList < 
>>> >> <>>:
>>> >>
>>> >> > Hi all,
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision 
>>> >> > statement
>>> >> or
>>> >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> >> recommendations?
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks!
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Much love as always,
>>> >> > Jake
>>> >> >
>>> >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> >> > ________________
>>> >> >
>>> >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, 
>>> >> > and
>>> >> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >> >  - Robert Adams < 
>>> >> > <>>
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:57:37 -0400
>>> From: "Harrison Owen" < <>>
>>> To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
>>>         < 
>>> <>>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID: <001201d55158$f4f61ec0$dee25c40$@com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
>>> Beautiful! Thank you Chris!!
>>> ho
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: OSList [ 
>>> <>] On Behalf Of
>>> Chris Kloth via OSList
>>> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 5:26 PM
>>> To: <>
>>> Cc: Chris Kloth; World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of  
>>> a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is  
>>> pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a  
>>> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to  
>>> start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he  
>>> thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it  
>>> clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace  
>>> issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be  
>>> addressed in such a setting.
>>> I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues  
>>> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and  
>>> requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to  
>>> listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round  
>>> and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big  
>>> time. I will admit I was nervous.
>>> The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30  
>>> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n  
>>> the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the  
>>> second round the company president faxed from the other site that  
>>> their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and optimism.
>>> -- 
>>> Shalom,
>>> Chris Kloth
>>> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> ph 614-239-1336
>>> fax 614-237-2347
>>> <>
>>> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> Quoting Jake Yeager < 
>>> <>>:
>>> > Hey Chris,
>>> >
>>> > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
>>> > active!
>>> >
>>> > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> >
>>> >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the non-profit
>>> >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple sites.
>>> >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you recommend
>>> for
>>> >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you so much Chris!
>>> >
>>> > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> > executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> >
>>> > All the best,
>>> > Jake
>>> > ________________
>>> >
>>> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
>>> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >  - Robert Adams < 
>>> > <>>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth < 
>>> > <>>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
>>> >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
>>> >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> >> structure.
>>> >>
>>> >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
>>> >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
>>> >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Shalom,
>>> >>
>>> >> Chris Kloth
>>> >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> >> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> >> ph 614-239-1336
>>> >> fax 614-237-2347
>>> >> <>
>>> >>
>>> >> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList < 
>>> >> <>>:
>>> >>
>>> >> > Hi all,
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
>>> statement
>>> >> or
>>> >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> >> recommendations?
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks!
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Much love as always,
>>> >> > Jake
>>> >> >
>>> >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> >> > ________________
>>> >> >
>>> >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
>>> and
>>> >> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >> >  - Robert Adams < 
>>> >> > <>>
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> OSList mailing list
>>> To post send emails to 
>>> <>
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to 
>>> <>
>>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> <>
>>> Past archives can be viewed here:
>>> <>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 15:23:21 -0700
>>> From: Peggy Holman < <>>
>>> To: Open Listserv < 
>>> <>>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID: < 
>>> <>>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> I?ll add another strategic planning story to the mix. In the 1999, I did a 
>>> project with the Washington State Arts Commission to create a strategic 
>>> plan that was widely embraced by artists and arts organizations all over 
>>> the state. The commission?s continued funding was riding on success. 
>>> We hosted 20 Open Space convenings around the state over 6 weeks. The first 
>>> and last were statewide. The rest were 3-hour sessions in towns as small as 
>>> Twisp and cities as large as Seattle. In the end, the arts commission 
>>> created a plan that was not only widely embraced, but two years later 
>>> during an economic downturn, the funding held when other departments were 
>>> cut because of the widespread support.
>>> When we started, the commission members were convinced large and small, 
>>> east and west, rural and urban would all be at war with each other. In 
>>> fact, they found synergies and ways to partner.
>>> A bit more of the story is here: 
>>> <> 
>>> < 
>>> <>>.
>>> Peggy
>>> ________________________________
>>> Peggy Holman
>>> Co-founder
>>> Journalism That Matters
>>> 15347 SE 49th Place
>>> Bellevue, WA  98006
>>> 206-948-0432
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> Twitter: @peggyholman
>>> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
>>> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning?Upheaval into 
>>> Opportunity < 
>>> <>>
>>> > On Aug 12, 2019, at 2:25 PM, Chris Kloth via OSList 
>>> > < <>> 
>>> > wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of a 
>>> > project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is pretty 
>>> > consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> > 
>>> > That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a 
>>> > powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to start 
>>> > a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he thought this 
>>> > approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it clear that he was 
>>> > sure labor issues over wages and other workplace issues would probably 
>>> > come up and that there was no way these could be addressed in such a 
>>> > setting.
>>> > 
>>> > I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues 
>>> > would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and requested 
>>> > that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to listen to the 
>>> > workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> > 
>>> > No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round and 
>>> > was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big time. I 
>>> > will admit I was nervous.
>>> > 
>>> > The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30 
>>> > minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n 
>>> > the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the 
>>> > second round the company president faxed from the other site that their 
>>> > ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> > 
>>> > The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and 
>>> > optimism.
>>> > 
>>> > -- 
>>> > Shalom,
>>> > 
>>> > Chris Kloth
>>> > ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> > 254 South Merkle Road
>>> > Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> > ph 614-239-1336
>>> > fax 614-237-2347
>>> > <> 
>>> > < <>>
>>> > 
>>> > Think globally. Act locally.
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > Quoting Jake Yeager < 
>>> > <> < 
>>> > <>>>:
>>> > 
>>> >> Hey Chris,
>>> >> 
>>> >> Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> >> experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
>>> >> active!
>>> >> 
>>> >> If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> >> 
>>> >>   - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the non-profit
>>> >>   partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> >>   - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple sites.
>>> >>   I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you recommend 
>>> >> for
>>> >>   executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> >> 
>>> >> Thank you so much Chris!
>>> >> 
>>> >> Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> >> executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> >> 
>>> >> All the best,
>>> >> Jake
>>> >> ________________
>>> >> 
>>> >> When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
>>> >> you will be free of problems.
>>> >> - Robert Adams < 
>>> >> <> < 
>>> >> <>>>
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth < 
>>> >> <> < 
>>> >> <>>>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >> 
>>> >>> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> >>> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
>>> >>> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> >>> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
>>> >>> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> >>> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> >>> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> >>> structure.
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> >>> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
>>> >>> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
>>> >>> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> >>> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> >>> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> --
>>> >>> Shalom,
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> Chris Kloth
>>> >>> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> >>> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> >>> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> >>> ph 614-239-1336
>>> >>> fax 614-237-2347
>>> >>> <>
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList < 
>>> >>> <>>:
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> > Hi all,
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision 
>>> >>> > statement
>>> >>> or
>>> >>> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> >>> recommendations?
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Thanks!
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Much love as always,
>>> >>> > Jake
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> >>> > ________________
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, 
>>> >>> > and
>>> >>> > you will be free of problems.
>>> >>> >  - Robert Adams < 
>>> >>> > <>>
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >> 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> > 
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > OSList mailing list
>>> > To post send emails to 
>>> > <>
>>> > To unsubscribe send an email to 
>>> > <>
>>> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>>> > 
>>> > <>
>>> > Past archives can be viewed here: 
>>> > 
>>> > <>
>>> -------------- next part --------------
>>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>>> URL: 
>>> <
>>> <>>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 4
>>> Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 07:54:31 -0400
>>> From: Jake Yeager < <>>
>>> Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>>>         < 
>>> <>>
>>> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
>>> Message-ID:
>>>         < 
>>> <>>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Thank you everyone for your replies! They are very, very helpful.
>>> I have contracted with an internal client who is interested in using OST.
>>> His team is cross-site, so these suggestions and experiences are
>>> invaluable. It really is about experimenting, identifying what works, and
>>> sharing my experience with others to move the work forward. Oh, and
>>> trusting the people. :)
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Much love,
>>> Jake
>>> ________________
>>> When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
>>> you will be free of problems.
>>>  - Robert Adams < 
>>> <>>
>>> On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 5:25 PM Chris Kloth < 
>>> <>>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
>>> > a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is
>>> > pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
>>> >
>>> > That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
>>> > powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to
>>> > start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he
>>> > thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it
>>> > clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace
>>> > issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be
>>> > addressed in such a setting.
>>> >
>>> > I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
>>> > would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and
>>> > requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to
>>> > listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
>>> >
>>> > No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
>>> > and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big
>>> > time. I will admit I was nervous.
>>> >
>>> > The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
>>> > minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n
>>> > the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the
>>> > second round the company president faxed from the other site that
>>> > their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
>>> >
>>> > The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and 
>>> > optimism.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Shalom,
>>> >
>>> > Chris Kloth
>>> > ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> > 254 South Merkle Road
>>> > Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> > ph 614-239-1336
>>> > fax 614-237-2347
>>> > <>
>>> >
>>> > Think globally. Act locally.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Quoting Jake Yeager < 
>>> > <>>:
>>> >
>>> > > Hey Chris,
>>> > >
>>> > > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
>>> > > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
>>> > > active!
>>> > >
>>> > > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
>>> > >
>>> > >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the 
>>> > > non-profit
>>> > >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
>>> > >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
>>> > sites.
>>> > >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you recommend
>>> > for
>>> > >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
>>> > >
>>> > > Thank you so much Chris!
>>> > >
>>> > > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
>>> > > executing OS cross-site, please do!
>>> > >
>>> > > All the best,
>>> > > Jake
>>> > > ________________
>>> > >
>>> > > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
>>> > > you will be free of problems.
>>> > >  - Robert Adams < 
>>> > > <>>
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth 
>>> > > < <>
>>> > >
>>> > > wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
>>> > >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
>>> > >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
>>> > >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
>>> > >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
>>> > >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
>>> > >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
>>> > >> structure.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
>>> > >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
>>> > >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
>>> > >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
>>> > >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
>>> > >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> --
>>> > >> Shalom,
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Chris Kloth
>>> > >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
>>> > >> 254 South Merkle Road
>>> > >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
>>> > >> ph 614-239-1336
>>> > >> fax 614-237-2347
>>> > >> <>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Think globally. Act locally.
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList < 
>>> > >> <>>:
>>> > >>
>>> > >> > Hi all,
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
>>> > statement
>>> > >> or
>>> > >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
>>> > >> recommendations?
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > Thanks!
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > Much love as always,
>>> > >> > Jake
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
>>> > >> > ________________
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
>>> > and
>>> > >> > you will be free of problems.
>>> > >> >  - Robert Adams < 
>>> > >> > <>>
>>> > >> >
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> -------------- next part --------------
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 5
>>> Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:11:40 -0400
>>> From: Tony Budak < <>>
>>> To: <>
>>> Subject: [OSList] Open Space Hangout! Tues Aug 13, 12 PM EDT!
>>> Message-ID: < 
>>> <>>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>>> *Open Space Hang Out is ON for today at NOON est*
>>> On 8/5/2019 6:49 PM, Tricia Chirumbole via OSList wrote:
>>> > Hey all!!
>>> >
>>> > We'll be hanging out again tomorrow and waiting to see who shows up 
>>> > and what happens! The Open Space hangout will be happening on Zoom 
>>> > this *Tuesday*?- *August 6th **@12 PM Eastern Daylight Time!*
>>> >
>>> > Pop in and ask questions, workshop ideas, explore possibilities, share 
>>> > what's up or just listen or say hi! We will gather for 1+ hours - Law 
>>> > of Two feet applies!
>>> >
>>> > ** Feel free to pass it one to friends who are not on the list **
>>> >
>>> > *
>>> > *
>>> >
>>> > *Sign-up and post topics:* 
>>> > <> 
>>> > <
>>> >  
>>> > <>>
>>> >
>>> > Join the call from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: 
>>> > <> 
>>> > <
>>> >  
>>> > <>>
>>> >
>>> > a. Join by phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 (US Toll)
>>> >
>>> > b. International numbers available: 
>>> > <> 
>>> > <
>>> >  
>>> > <>>
>>> >
>>> > c. Meeting ID: 751 609 912
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Until then!
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> End of OSList Digest, Vol 100, Issue 11
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