Dear Peggy,

Thank you for sending the article and  for reminding me about Tend and
Befriend as one of the basic responses of humans in crisis and stress.
It is so valuable to expand my noticing in working in times of crisis to
include this frame and look for where and how it happens.

With love and gratitude,


On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 1:36 AM agusj via OSList <> wrote:

> Hi Peggy!
> Thanks for share this The psychologist, Shelley Taylor, working with a
> team of women, found women tended to respond differently. They took care of
> the vulnerable and worked together.
> I love it! I knew in my profound self that there should be another way.
> Thanks a lot!
> Warm regards
> Agustín
> On Thursday, April 16, 2020, 04:16:09 PM GMT-5, Peggy Holman via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for opening this conversation. I’ve been thinking about something
> similar, with a slightly different emphasis. I’ve been struck by how
> frequently I’m hearing “we’re all in this together”. So I’ve been thinking
> about how it is a time of both personal responsibility AND a sense of the
> greater good that has never existed in my lifetime. (We’re about the same
> age.) Even talk of sacrifice. Something I recall my parents talking about
> from their youth in World War 2.
> Something that has intersected this mulling has been watching the amazing
> amount of constructive journalism happening right now. Practical,
> responsive, listening to the questions from the public. And, of course, the
> generosity of people self-organizing to help others.
> One last element in my thinking about this: "tend and befriend" rather
> than "fight or flight.” In brief, in 2000, a woman psychologist looked at
> the research that led to coining the phrase fight or flight to characterize
> human response to threat or stress. Turns out, like much of that early
> social science research, it was done primarily with men. The psychologist,
> Shelley Taylor, working with a team of women, found women tended to respond
> differently. They took care of the vulnerable and worked together.
> With nowhere to run, I see much of the response to Coronavirus following
> the pattern of tend and befriend. It’s a trend I’d sure like to see made
> conscious and furthered. I wrote a 2-minute piece about it:
> .
> I think fighting and fleeing less and tending and befriending more
> encompasses both personal responsibility and the common good.
> Be well and stay sane,
> Peggy
> ________________________________
> Peggy Holman
> Co-founder
> Journalism That Matters
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 206-948-0432
> Twitter: @peggyholman
> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into
> Opportunity <>
> On Apr 16, 2020, at 12:40 PM, Michael Herman via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a thought recently that might be interesting here, and that maybe
> you can add on to, as a story and conversation here.  And then in the
> world.  This overlaps with some other recent threads, too, I think.
> As background, I'm exactly old enough that the moon landing is, as best I
> can tell, my oldest memory.  I've seen pictures of stuff that happened
> before, but I clearly remember the space toys being given away at gas
> stations, our family buying our first color TV, and (just like now) keeping
> our distance... in that case we were supposed to stay six feet from the new
> set.
> From that global moment came all kinds of "big blue marble" photos, Bucky
> Fuller's "Spaceship Earth," and other images.  Now we had a picture of "all
> in this together" where "all" really was every human.  And then, a few
> decades later, we've created a global network, a global economy, and global
> epidemics.  Not everyone made a direct, conscious connection about those
> images from space, but somehow we all grew up participating in the creation
> of these global structures and phenomena.
> Now I think we might have a chance to accelerate our swing back, to the
> micro, the local, the individual in equally strong, long-term ways.  It
> took us a while to get there, but the message coming clearer now is "wear a
> mask," for instance, "to protect others..."  And inside of that, this seems
> like a visceral reminder that "what you, the little individual does -- does
> matter."  It matters with masks and the virus, but it can be, and I hope it
> will be, quickly translated to the plastic we use, the miles we drive, the
> other things we purchase and reinforce with our money, the way we manage
> emotions in groups, and so on.  It matters for everyone to manage their own
> "stuff," their own behavior, purchases, words, and other choices.
> This is what I hope we might be learning, anyway.  And within all of the
> possibilities, choosing to take responsibility for one's own experience,
> actively choosing to be learning and contributing, seems to me about the
> best choices we could focus on, each of us, individually and personally.
> What we've been saying all along, in various ways, that individual agency
> and actions matter, seems more important and understandable that ever.
> This makes me curious if and how what is happening now with the virus and
> what we've all been teaching and practicing and inviting "in open space,"
> might shape the world over the next few decades.  I wonder what kind of a
> world might emerge from increasing awareness of personal agency,
> responsibility, learning and contributing, in meetings and everywhere
> else.
> This is one good thing I have imagined could emerge from this.  This is
> the view I'm testing as I watch the news and talk with clients these days.
> What do you think might come out of the current situation, on any scale?
> And is there anything else to do about helping it along, for now, wherever
> we are?
> Michael
> --
> Michael Herman
> Michael Herman Associates
> 312-280-7838 (mobile)
> <>
> <>
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