Interesting question Leona.

My answer is more about the principles of self-organization underneath
openspace (that I learned from Harrison over lunches and a cocktail or two
at the Glenn Echo Inn) than open space methodology.  Open space requires
something to be urgent and important.....otherwise people won't care and
they won't show up and invest in it. I think as a manager part of your role
is defining what's important to the organization and why in a way that
people care. and want to contribute ....this sets the direction for your
team or group. The urgent important issue is like the camp fire that you
can then invite people to gather around and is your role as
manager to make the environment inclusive and safe for people to gather and
share their views and ideas openly until insight emerges about the
situation itself and what to do about it.   The energy and motivation to
act will naturally arise at this point and you can help the group stay
connected and share information about progress and what's working and
what's not.  It's all self-organizing or emergent change. Where Harrison
and I differed and I'm still exploring his view is whether we need to do
anything at all or whether it will all happen by itself.   My view has been
that I care too, and I want to do something. I am part of the emergence. Is
my role necessary no. But without it something different will emerge.
Systems are always moving toward fragmentation or cohesion and your role as
manager will make a huge difference in which way they are headed.

Thanks for your question, and my best to all.


*David R. Osborne*
Organization and Leadership Development

6402 Arlington Blvd., Suite 1120, Falls Church, VA 22042
703-939-1777   |   |

On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 6:13 AM leora tushinski via OSList <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> This is my first time in the OSList and I am writing to ask for the wisdom
> I am sure is held in this group.
> My name is Leora and I'm a student of "Dialogic interventions in Large
> group" , held by Tova Averbuch and Rotem Ofer.
> As a manager I have a challenge (and maybe a fear): wondering how to
> "hold" the tension between the "freedom" in the OS method,   and
> “purposefulness” needed in most of the processes .
> How can we expect to get to "bottom lines" (get the work done) when we
> depend only on the people who come, and what they decide…?
>   And more, how can we avoid   the "loose" rules   lead to "anarchy",
> especially in complex environment?
> I will appreciate your time, attention and wisdom
> Thank you
> Leora
> Israel
> *050-6207543 (972)*
> *בברכה,*
> *ליאורה *
> *050-6207543*
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