On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 09:15:56 UTC+2, OA wrote:
> I'm trying to move OsmAnd from old Samsung Note 2 to new Note 4 phone and 
> stuck with this problem...
> I have microSD card from my old phone, that contains all my map files 
> (.OBF), my tracks (.GPX), my rendering files, etc. When I put it in new 
> phone, OsmAnd refuses to use my files. In "*Settings | Global app 
> settings | Misc | Data storage folder*" I can set some data folder, but 
> it's not the folder containing all my files. I can set folders 
> "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/net.osmand/files" (in phone itself, it's 
> called "External storage 1") or 
> "/storage/0000-0000/Android/data/net.osmand/files" (called "External 
> storage 2"). OsmAnd doesn't see those files. Just in case, I have copies of 
> all my files in two locations: "/phone/osmand" and in "/SD/osmand" folders.
> When I try to set manually location to those folders, I'm getting error: 
> "Maps could not be created in specified directory"... May be it's because 
> "Data storage folder" is used not for maps and tracks, but for temporary 
> caches?
> How to set the folder, that contains *my* map files, tracks, rendering 
> and other common files from my previous setup?
First, putting old SD card into a new phone could bring few problems. 

If you can dedicate the time to it, go the long way around - copy all the 
folders/files from SD card to a computer, put the SD card in the phone, 
format it, set up the apps on the phone and manually copy data from 
corresponding folders back on the SD card - meaning the folders won't be 
necessarily the same, for example old SDcard/Osmand could be now 
SDcard/android/net.osmand... Use it to do a clean up as well, we all have 
files on the SDcard where we don't even know any more why and what it is :)

If you don't want to do it this way, just for the Osmand app do this:
- rename the old osmand folder (with the maps) just to be sure
- open Osmand, find the data folder it did set (or you can set up a new 
one). Remember this path.
- close Osmand
- open file explorer app and copy all the subfolders and files from the old 
folder to the new one, one by one

This should get you the same end result. Don't try to get Osmand work with 
your old folder, accept that it is easier to give it the files where it can 
see it. 

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