On Thursday, 14 March 2019 11:27:39 UTC+1, limom...@gmail.com wrote:
> I open the OSMAND+ app and start navigation with my GPS track. I have 1 
> point about every 10 km to force the desired route. Osmand snaps the 
> navigation on the road automaticly and the navigations works perfect.
> Maybe I should create the route with more points? Will it ignore the 
> missed point as soon it arrives at the next point? BTW, I create tracks 
> with ITN converter.

I repeat: you don't have to turn around and go back. Simply drive on the 
route you are currently, even if it is wrong. OsmAnd will recalculate the 
route. Putting more points is counterproductive if you want to ignore them. 
Or did I understand your problem completely wrong?

With more points, you are doing just the opposite - when you put point into 
your route, you are saying you want to get to this point, then to the end 
of the route. With more points, you are stacking the navigation: A > B 
(have to get there) > C (again, need to pass it) > .... > Finish.  Decide 
if it is necessary to pass the point (even if you miss it near it, and have 
to reroute). 

BTW, on the bike and if you have planned stops, it is easier to let OsmAnd 
navigate from point to point (start -> first stop; then first stop > next 
stop; next stop > finish). Or, when planning the route, put ONLY the points 
you want to drive by (no avoiding, if missed a turn, reroute there), 
meaning as FEW as you can. See here 
for an example (BRouter web). I set just the point I want to have in the 
route at all cost (have to pass, no avoiding it) and let the navigation 
decide the route there. If I miss a turn, OsmAnd would recalculate and 
navigate me to the next point on this route as fast as it can, and from 
there take the rest of the route again as planned.

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