
probably not exactly what you're asking but, in OsmAnd, under *Configure map* > *Details*, you can activate "*Show road surface*" and "*Show road quality*". If available in OSM, they will be rendered with a different style (here you can find all the different rendering styles: https://osmand.net/help-online/map-legend/)



On 14/06/20 17:40, Francesco Puccettone wrote:
For a given point on the map (path/road), how can I find out its road category, that is, whether it is a paved street/footpath/rough path/cycle lane/bridleway/etc, in terms of the corresponding OSM key descriptions, namely surface <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:surface?uselang=en>and tracktype <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tracktype>. Right now the only way I know to do this, is through a "query features" for that spot on osm.org, which shows the exact path/road type in terms of all these OSM properties.

However, opening up osm.org is not practical on a phone, and long-tapping on the point of interest in OsmAnd does not display any such property. On the other hand, comparing the line type you see on the map to the MapLegend in the Help is not convenient: too many taps back and forth, and even then, the different path categories are hard to distinguish for people who are colour-blind.
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