Am 16.02.11 19:18, schrieb Tobias Kuhn:
Sorry for my previous post going in the wrong place here, got some mail
delivery problems. :)

Am 16.02.2011 14:46, schrieb André Joost:
I try to test it under Windows XP, but the configuration file
.osmembrane.settings seems not a valid filename under Windows.
I can assure it works on windows 7, and I was thinking this should be
also working with XP when you're not editing them by hand. Well, I've
just created an issue in the redmine for that.

The new build 832 solves that problem. But now I get an error trying to execute a pipeline: Could not find the main class: org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher. Program will exit. Exception in thread "main"

I can export the pipeline in a batch-file, and that works with the installed osmosis.

Should the path to Java RE be in any system variable?

André Joost

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