Hi Tobias,

I just finished having a play with OSMembrane.  Colour me impressed :-)
It's a great little app, and provides a nicely polished user experience.

I hope development on the tool remains active, or that it at least continues
to be maintained.  It should be a great complement to Osmosis.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Tobias Kuhn <tob...@osmembrane.de> wrote:

> Hello OSM community,
> we're three students which had to develop a *Graphical Interface for
> Osmosis* during a practical task. This task now is finished and we'd like to
> release our product to the real world and see whether the world needs it or
> not.
> The program is written in Java with Swing and named OSMembrane, the name is
> a pun on Osmosis and semipermeable membranes. It is available at *
> http://www.osmembrane.de/* (the site is in English)
> <http://osmembrane.de/>There you can obtain the latest executable release
> as well as the source code and project managment. It's licensed under the
> GPL to be compatible with software already present in OSM. The Osmosis tasks
> are included via an XML file so it is extendible. Currently supported
> locales are English and German.
> We're primarily interested in feedback for OSMembrane: Do you like it? Do
> you need it? Will you use it in the future? What's good and what's bad? So
> please don't hesitate to post your thoughts, a lousy answer is better than
> none. :)
> And additionally, since we won't be able to spend too much additional time
> on this project we'd also like to offer the possibility to maintain the
> project and continue the development, if anyone likes to.
> Greetings
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