Hi Brett,

  • I'm pondering a move to GIT.  Primarily because it gives people a
better opportunity to experiment with the codebase.  Secondly because I
am experimenting with GIT anyway and wanted a real-world task to work


Any thoughts re a possible GIT move?
that would be _really_ cool. In fact, I've been running more or less of a mirror of the latest revisions of Osmosis trunk on Github [1]. It is really much simpler to work and try things out and keep track of upstream and so on than with SVN. There's even a place for a GIT repository already, the Openstreetmap organization on GitHub [2].

The only thing we'd need to change would be the build script for the snapshot version string - currently it uses the SVN revision. In osmosis-fastused, I already made a similar Ant build script which uses the git revision (or tag, if available), to be found here [3].

Greetings from Stuttgart,

[1] https://github.com/podolsir/osmosis-trunk-mirror
[2] https://github.com/openstreetmap
[3] https://github.com/podolsir/osmosis-fastused/blob/master/build.xml#L35

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