Hmm, my previous email was probably hard to read.  Let me know if it
doesn't make sense.

One other thing I should mention.  GIven that you are just adding read
support, have you looked at the osmosis-pbf2 sub-project?  It contains an
alternative PBF reading implementation that I wrote to support
multi-threaded reading.  The task is registered as *--read-pbf-fast*.  The
class *org.openstreetmap.osmosis.pbf2.v0_6.impl.PbfBlobDecoder* in method
*processWays* contains the WayNode parsing logic.

On Sun, 11 Mar 2018 at 21:19 Brett Henderson <> wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> Thanks for sending through the patch.  I've just taken a look at it.  Some
> comments:
> *WayNode*
> The WayNode class now has the new optional latitude and longitude fields
> which makes sense.  Can you update the store method and (StoreReader,
> StoreClassRegister) constructor to persist and load those parameters
> again?  They're needed in case the pipeline does any functionality that
> requires creating temp files such as sorting.
> The class is now mutable which may cause problems in a multi-threaded
> pipeline if task implementations are tempted to modify state on the fly.
> Some of the Osmosis entity classes are mutable (an historical decision
> which I regrettably allowed through), but they're protected from concurrent
> modification through a somewhat elaborate read/write protection mechanism
> (see CommonEntityData for details ...).  In this case, can we keep the
> class immutable by adding those additional fields to an overloaded
> constructor?
> *osmformat.proto*
> Are these changes mastered somewhere else?  In other words, are these new
> fields the same ones used by Osmium in its implementation?  I'm wondering
> if we need to re-sync from the main OSM-binary project.  The osmosis
> version is the same as that in
> The repo is a fork of that, and the
> osmosis branch there *is* the same code as the osmosis-osm-binary directory
> in the osmosis repo, just with some re-arranging to fit inside the Osmosis
> structure and fit inside the Osmosis java package namespace.
> *Jochen* (if you're reading), where does Osmium source its
> osmformat.proto file from?
> Long story short, rather than make changes directly to the file in Osmosis
> and create a fork, should we apply them to upstream first and then re-sync
> Osmosis with that?
> Otherwise, the changes look relatively straightforward.  I don't have many
> strong opinions on how to test it.  Osmosis doesn't have an amazing test
> suite, it started out as a hacked together tool and grew into something
> bigger than I planned.  I mostly rely on some basic end to end testing for
> each task that creates files and reads then back again.  That's not
> possible if you only have read support for the new file format.  We may
> need to check in a small test file with a couple of ways created by Osmium.
> Cheers,
> Brett
> On Tue, 6 Mar 2018 at 04:18 Locke, Jonathan <> wrote:
>> Hi Brett,
>> Attached is a patch that adds *WayNode* location (latitude/longitude)
>> support to *OsmosisReader*. It seems to work fine. You can check it out
>> by uncommenting the *@Test* annotation on the test I added and supplying
>> the path to your own PBF file (I would have added a full unit test there,
>> but I didn't know how you wanted to handle data for test cases in this
>> project, so I just left it like this for now). You'll want to create your
>> PBF file with a command similar to this:
>> *osmium add-locations-to-ways --keep-untagged-nodes -o
>> new-mexico-latest-with-way-nodes.osm.pbf new-mexico-latest.osm.pbf*
>> Only one technical question for you: is there any way to detect from the
>> header of the PBF file whether the file contains way node locations? It
>> would be nice not to have to read nodes for 45 minutes before discovering
>> that the PBF file doesn't have way node locations. Once there's an osmosis
>> release with the way node location feature in it (and ideally a data drop
>> with way node locations), we hope to switch to consuming only PBF files
>> with way node locations and we'd remove support from our apps for PBF files
>> without this information (thus the need to detect if the file has way
>> nodes).
>> Best,
>>     Jon
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Brett Henderson <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 4, 2018 3:40:02 PM
>> *To:* Locke, Jonathan
>> *Cc:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [osmosis-dev] Osmosis and Osmium-enhanced PBF files with
>> way node locations
>> It's always nice to hear that your software is useful :-)  Thanks!  Yell
>> out if you run into any problems and I'll do my best to point you in the
>> right direction.
>> Cheers,
>> Brett
>> On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 at 11:32 Locke, Jonathan <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Brett,
>> From our perspective, it's definitely worth adding this feature because we 
>> use OsmosisReader in a host of custom Java applications (dozens of them). I 
>> think at this point, Osmosis code is running on our servers 24/7/365 doing 
>> various kinds of back-end processing for different groups around the world.
>> I totally understand the part about not having time. I am the author of 
>> Apache Wicket and I've stepped away from that project for what are probably 
>> similar reasons (OSS really does soak up time like mad!). So, I will spend 
>> some time developing a patch for OsmosisReader that supports this new 
>> location-enhanced format and I'll get in touch when my patch is ready for 
>> your review. With luck, I shouldn't have too many questions and the patch 
>> will be close to what you'd like. I figure I will just need to look at the 
>> proto files and maybe the osmium code and make the appropriate changes. 
>> Anyway, thanks for writing a great little library. I've had few if any 
>> problems with it and like I said, it powers a lot of what we do with OSM.
>> Best,
>>   Jon
>> ------
>> Hi Jon,
>> It sounds like a great initiative.  Linking ways to locations efficiently
>> is perhaps the greatest challenge of working with OSM data, and the one
>> I've spent more time on than most.  Including that information in the raw
>> data sets would be a huge boon for downstream consumers.
>> As you may have noticed Osmosis development is fairly quiet these days.
>> I'm not able to spend much time on it, and it doesn't see many other
>> contributions.  Unfortunately this means you'll probably be on your own.
>> I'll do my best to answer any questions, but am unlikely to be able to help
>> directly.
>> I'm curious about whether it's worth adding to Osmosis.  Are there many use
>> cases that other tools like Osmium don't cover?  If there are that's great,
>> I'm a bit out of touch.
>> Cheers,
>> Brett
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