Hi Brett,

I addressed the issues you brought up and there's a new patch to the base code 
attached to this email. The only change I made to the Osmosis .proto file was 
to add these two lines precisely as they were added to Osmium:

+   repeated sint64 lat = 9 [packed = true];

+   repeated sint64 lon = 10 [packed = true];

I believe the other differences in the generated Java code probably have to do 
with our using different versions of protoc during the build process. You may 
want to regenerate the code using the protoc version you used to generate the 
Java code before and then these files should be mostly the same.

You probably will also want to run the tests as I cannot run the tests as 
Gradle quits when it runs into failures in the database code (I'm most likely 
not set up for Osmosis' database tests). Finally, I don't really follow what 
you're saying about syncing code with some other codebase. I don't have commit 
acess to anything so perhaps someone else can sync the proto file 
appropriately. I believe all that needs to happen to make this work is to add 
the two lines above (as in the patch file).



From: Brett Henderson <br...@bretth.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2018 5:43:08 AM
To: Locke, Jonathan
Cc: osmosis-dev@openstreetmap.org; Van Exel, Martijn
Subject: Re: [osmosis-dev] Osmosis and Osmium-enhanced PBF files with way node 

Hmm, my previous email was probably hard to read.  Let me know if it doesn't 
make sense.

One other thing I should mention.  GIven that you are just adding read support, 
have you looked at the osmosis-pbf2 sub-project?  It contains an alternative 
PBF reading implementation that I wrote to support multi-threaded reading.  The 
task is registered as --read-pbf-fast.  The class 
org.openstreetmap.osmosis.pbf2.v0_6.impl.PbfBlobDecoder in method processWays 
contains the WayNode parsing logic.

On Sun, 11 Mar 2018 at 21:19 Brett Henderson 
<br...@bretth.com<mailto:br...@bretth.com>> wrote:
Hi Jon,

Thanks for sending through the patch.  I've just taken a look at it.  Some 

The WayNode class now has the new optional latitude and longitude fields which 
makes sense.  Can you update the store method and (StoreReader, 
StoreClassRegister) constructor to persist and load those parameters again?  
They're needed in case the pipeline does any functionality that requires 
creating temp files such as sorting.

The class is now mutable which may cause problems in a multi-threaded pipeline 
if task implementations are tempted to modify state on the fly.  Some of the 
Osmosis entity classes are mutable (an historical decision which I regrettably 
allowed through), but they're protected from concurrent modification through a 
somewhat elaborate read/write protection mechanism (see CommonEntityData for 
details ...).  In this case, can we keep the class immutable by adding those 
additional fields to an overloaded constructor?

Are these changes mastered somewhere else?  In other words, are these new 
fields the same ones used by Osmium in its implementation?  I'm wondering if we 
need to re-sync from the main OSM-binary project.  The osmosis version is the 
same as that in https://github.com/scrosby/OSM-binary.  The repo 
https://github.com/brettch/OSM-binary is a fork of that, and the osmosis branch 
there *is* the same code as the osmosis-osm-binary directory in the osmosis 
repo, just with some re-arranging to fit inside the Osmosis structure and fit 
inside the Osmosis java package namespace.

Jochen (if you're reading), where does Osmium source its osmformat.proto file 

Long story short, rather than make changes directly to the file in Osmosis and 
create a fork, should we apply them to upstream first and then re-sync Osmosis 
with that?

Otherwise, the changes look relatively straightforward.  I don't have many 
strong opinions on how to test it.  Osmosis doesn't have an amazing test suite, 
it started out as a hacked together tool and grew into something bigger than I 
planned.  I mostly rely on some basic end to end testing for each task that 
creates files and reads then back again.  That's not possible if you only have 
read support for the new file format.  We may need to check in a small test 
file with a couple of ways created by Osmium.


On Tue, 6 Mar 2018 at 04:18 Locke, Jonathan 
<jonath...@telenav.com<mailto:jonath...@telenav.com>> wrote:

Hi Brett,

Attached is a patch that adds WayNode location (latitude/longitude) support to 
OsmosisReader. It seems to work fine. You can check it out by uncommenting the 
@Test annotation on the test I added and supplying the path to your own PBF 
file (I would have added a full unit test there, but I didn't know how you 
wanted to handle data for test cases in this project, so I just left it like 
this for now). You'll want to create your PBF file with a command similar to 

osmium add-locations-to-ways --keep-untagged-nodes -o 
new-mexico-latest-with-way-nodes.osm.pbf new-mexico-latest.osm.pbf

Only one technical question for you: is there any way to detect from the header 
of the PBF file whether the file contains way node locations? It would be nice 
not to have to read nodes for 45 minutes before discovering that the PBF file 
doesn't have way node locations. Once there's an osmosis release with the way 
node location feature in it (and ideally a data drop with way node locations), 
we hope to switch to consuming only PBF files with way node locations and we'd 
remove support from our apps for PBF files without this information (thus the 
need to detect if the file has way nodes).



From: Brett Henderson <br...@bretth.com<mailto:br...@bretth.com>>
Sent: Sunday, March 4, 2018 3:40:02 PM
To: Locke, Jonathan
Cc: osmosis-dev@openstreetmap.org<mailto:osmosis-dev@openstreetmap.org>

Subject: Re: [osmosis-dev] Osmosis and Osmium-enhanced PBF files with way node 
It's always nice to hear that your software is useful :-)  Thanks!  Yell out if 
you run into any problems and I'll do my best to point you in the right 


On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 at 11:32 Locke, Jonathan 
<jonath...@telenav.com<mailto:jonath...@telenav.com>> wrote:

Hi Brett,

>From our perspective, it's definitely worth adding this feature because we use 
>OsmosisReader in a host of custom Java applications (dozens of them). I think 
>at this point, Osmosis code is running on our servers 24/7/365 doing various 
>kinds of back-end processing for different groups around the world.

I totally understand the part about not having time. I am the author of Apache 
Wicket and I've stepped away from that project for what are probably similar 
reasons (OSS really does soak up time like mad!). So, I will spend some time 
developing a patch for OsmosisReader that supports this new location-enhanced 
format and I'll get in touch when my patch is ready for your review. With luck, 
I shouldn't have too many questions and the patch will be close to what you'd 
like. I figure I will just need to look at the proto files and maybe the osmium 
code and make the appropriate changes. Anyway, thanks for writing a great 
little library. I've had few if any problems with it and like I said, it powers 
a lot of what we do with OSM.




Hi Jon,

It sounds like a great initiative.  Linking ways to locations efficiently
is perhaps the greatest challenge of working with OSM data, and the one
I've spent more time on than most.  Including that information in the raw
data sets would be a huge boon for downstream consumers.

As you may have noticed Osmosis development is fairly quiet these days.
I'm not able to spend much time on it, and it doesn't see many other
contributions.  Unfortunately this means you'll probably be on your own.
I'll do my best to answer any questions, but am unlikely to be able to help

I'm curious about whether it's worth adding to Osmosis.  Are there many use
cases that other tools like Osmium don't cover?  If there are that's great,
I'm a bit out of touch.


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