I have been having a play with your route and am wondering if the lack of speed 
limits tags on part of Redbanks Road is part of the problem?

Also 60% for unpaved roads seems way too high, I would expect something more 
like walking pace unless you are driving a rally car.

Phil (trigpoint)


Sent from my Nokia N9

On 17/04/2013 8:07 Samuel Longiaru wrote:

Hello Everyone,

New to the list, having only discovered your project yesterday. Looks
like a great effort. Congratulations. So being new, I'm a little
reluctant to barge in. But I have been a long-term contributor to OSM
and being recently transplanted from Canada to Australia, am
curious about some rather bizarre routing that pops up on your demo
website for this part of the world. So I started looking into it.

http://osrm.at/2Vl shows a good example of what I'm talking about.
While routing along the the M20 from Adelaide towards the Roseworthy
Campus, the route leaves the M20 and continues on dirt roads. I think
most would agree that continuing along the M20 to the next exit and
following the paved Redbanks Road would be the more logical routing
choice. This is only one example I've found of where dirt roads are
suggested over much more logical choices.

I've looked into the archives of this list as far back as I can go
(only to January unfortunately) and didn't see these kinds of routing
issues discussed. But I did find a feature request discussed in #389 and
#497 on GitHub. In that discussion, there was a request for a default
speed penalty of 0.6 for unpaved roads. From what I could gather, the
issue was closed stating that while a penalty for bicycles might be
appropriate, such a penalty was probably not appropriate for cars.

In South Australia the default statutory speed limit on rural roads
(paved or unpaved) is 100 kph, and some mappers have included the
maxspeed=100 tag. That's correct... but crazy. I haven't checked, but
some of those unpaved roads may in fact be "access=dry_weather" only,
turning to red gumbo in the rainy season. Speed=0.

I'm sure that in many places, the assumption that the travelling speed
on unpaved roads is only 0.6 of the statutory limit is quite
reasonable. If not that, then the "desirability factor" of driving on
unpaved over paved may be 0.6. :) If my faint understanding of the
project is correct, such speed rules can be set up in a customized
LUA(?) and so may be resolvable. But I guess my point is, in the demo
site, such adjustments should probably be made already. If the demo,
set up for "Car (fastest)", routes off of M-roads and onto dirt, the
routing engine has the "appearance" of not working correctly. I think
the demo site should be adjusted to downgrade dirt roads at least, to
better showcase the power and abilities of your project. The ultimate
check of a routing engine is whether it gives results that are
expected in a familiar area. In many cases around here, I'm left going

Anyway, like I said, a fantastic effort. Something I definitely want
to learn more about.


Samuel Longiaru
Kamloops, BC... temporarily in South Australia


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