I would love to support a tag that says real-world speed instead of maxspeed 
without expanding into time-dependent speeds. Tagging a dirt road with 100 max 
speed is a bit adventurous, I must say ;-)


Am 17.04.2013 um 14:31 schrieb Philip Barnes <p...@trigpoint.me.uk>:

> Hi
> I have been having a play with your route and am wondering if the lack of 
> speed limits tags on part of Redbanks Road is part of the problem?
> Also 60% for unpaved roads seems way too high, I would expect something more 
> like walking pace unless you are driving a rally car.
> Phil (trigpoint) 
> --
> Sent from my Nokia N9
> On 17/04/2013 8:07 Samuel Longiaru wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> New to the list, having only discovered your project yesterday. Looks
> like a great effort. Congratulations. So being new, I'm a little
> reluctant to barge in. But I have been a long-term contributor to OSM
> and being recently transplanted from Canada to Australia, am 
> curious about some rather bizarre routing that pops up on your demo
> website for this part of the world. So I started looking into it.
> http://osrm.at/2Vl shows a good example of what I'm talking about.
> While routing along the the M20 from Adelaide towards the Roseworthy
> Campus, the route leaves the M20 and continues on dirt roads. I think
> most would agree that continuing along the M20 to the next exit and
> following the paved Redbanks Road would be the more logical routing
> choice. This is only one example I've found of where dirt roads are
> suggested over much more logical choices.
> I've looked into the archives of this list as far back as I can go
> (only to January unfortunately) and didn't see these kinds of routing
> issues discussed. But I did find a feature request discussed in #389 and
> #497 on GitHub. In that discussion, there was a request for a default
> speed penalty of 0.6 for unpaved roads. From what I could gather, the
> issue was closed stating that while a penalty for bicycles might be
> appropriate, such a penalty was probably not appropriate for cars.
> In South Australia the default statutory speed limit on rural roads
> (paved or unpaved) is 100 kph, and some mappers have included the
> maxspeed=100 tag. That's correct... but crazy. I haven't checked, but
> some of those unpaved roads may in fact be "access=dry_weather" only,
> turning to red gumbo in the rainy season. Speed=0.
> I'm sure that in many places, the assumption that the travelling speed
> on unpaved roads is only 0.6 of the statutory limit is quite
> reasonable. If not that, then the "desirability factor" of driving on
> unpaved over paved may be 0.6. :) If my faint understanding of the
> project is correct, such speed rules can be set up in a customized
> LUA(?) and so may be resolvable. But I guess my point is, in the demo
> site, such adjustments should probably be made already. If the demo,
> set up for "Car (fastest)", routes off of M-roads and onto dirt, the
> routing engine has the "appearance" of not working correctly. I think
> the demo site should be adjusted to downgrade dirt roads at least, to
> better showcase the power and abilities of your project. The ultimate
> check of a routing engine is whether it gives results that are
> expected in a familiar area. In many cases around here, I'm left going
> "whuh?"
> Anyway, like I said, a fantastic effort. Something I definitely want
> to learn more about.
> Thanks,
> Samuel Longiaru
> Kamloops, BC... temporarily in South Australia 
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