On 2/12/2014 8:48 AM, John Aherne wrote:

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Rodolphe Quiédeville
<rodol...@quiedeville.org <mailto:rodol...@quiedeville.org>> wrote:

    John Aherne <jjahe...@gmail.com <mailto:jjahe...@gmail.com>> writes:
     > Rodolphe
     > Thanks for the quick reply.
     > I tried your suggestion using the webconsole.
     > I then mimiced the url used by the javascript adding on the zoom
    level and
     > instructions=true for good measure and rounded the coordinates to
     > I still get the same result - status 207
     > I was already trying zoom levels from 1 to 18 without any luck.
     > If the map is using the same routing engine then I am baffled.

    It's really weird, how do you call the router ie with which tool ? Do
    you use a webrowser or a tool like curl or wget ? May be you can paste
    some logs off your shell console on a pastie to share with us, may be
    will find something.


    Rodolphe Quiédeville
    Expert Tsung - Consulting en performance des SI
    Tel : 06 13 79 63 41

Thanks for responding.

I use a simple python script for this test.

import urllib2
from datetime import datetime
import json
import urllib

req = urllib2.Request(URL)
     response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
except Exception, e:
     print 'Error', str(e)
     print 'Error msg', e.msg
     print 'Error hdrs', e.hdrs
     print 'Error fp', e.fp
res = response.read()
print 'the res', res
my_data = json.loads(res)
for item in my_data:
     print 'ITEM',item, my_data[item],'\r\n'

I can send a wireshark capture of the actual wire data if anyone thinks
it is useful.

But the python call is about as simple as it can get.

I can reproduce this with:

$ GET 'http://router.project-osrm.org/viaroute?z=14&loc=51.502874,-0.119249&loc=51.534750,-0.135230&instructions=true'

{"status":207,"status_message": "Cannot find route between points"}[]

And I get the same thing in a browser.


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