<<The map site uses the same routing engine, so the answer must be
that you're not sending the same request as the site?

Did you try using the browsers build in developer tools to check the
request the site is sending?

Kind regards,

Emil Tin
IT- and Process Specialist
Traffic Design



Good to know it is the same.

Yes I used the FF web console to see what was going on.

The call being made from the map website is as follows taken from the FF
web developer screen:

Request URL:
Request Method:     GET
Status Code:     HTTP/1.1 200 OK

This produces a drwn route on the map

The url I send via my python script is as follows:

URL = '

The urls are not identical but they are both targetting the same routing

If I am doing something wrong then I am keen to know so I can correct what
I am doing.

If anyone can spot the problem I would be very grateful.


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