Hi all,

Could anyone give an approx estimate for the time required to run the osrm-contract on planet data on a 12 thread, 256 GB RAM, SSD machine?

The osrm-extract process finished in 232 minutes, but the contract has now been running solid for 24 hours, and appears to be stuck at 60% on "preprocessing nodes". All 12 cores are generally maxed out, and the process is using nearly 90 GB of RAM.

This is the second time I've run the contract process, as my SSH connection to the server dropped the first time and the process wasn't running in a screen etc, so I assumed after the 40-odd hours it was running for, the connection drop caused it to hang, but now I'm not so sure. Were there any files I should maybe have cleared before trying to run it again?

I'm using the docker image to run the command (using osrm/osrm-backend:latest): time docker run -t -v /opt/osrm/data:/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-contract /data/1505492056/planet-latest.osrm

Kind regards,
Kieran Caplice

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