Hi Daniel,

Can you clarify if you use Docker at Mapbox? What kind of server do you guys have (if not the one described on the wiki page)?

Over night, the process has gone to just 75% complete from 65% yesterday - 41 hours in total now, and back to maxing CPU again.

Kind regards,
Kieran Caplice

On 21/09/17 17:17, Daniel Patterson wrote:
OSRM supports *two* core routing algorithms - CH and MLD.  The `osrm-contract` tool generates the CH dataset, but you can use the MLD pipeline instead with:

osrm-extract -p profiles/bicycle.lua yourmap.osm.pbf
osrm-partition yourmap.osrm
osrm-customize yourmap.osrm
osrm-routed -a MLD yourmap.osrm

This sequence of tools should be significantly quicker than osrm-contract - the price you pay is that routing requests are about 5x slower (still pretty fast though!).  The reason that MLD exists is for the `osrm-customize` step - it allows you to import traffic data very quickly and update the routing graph (~1 minute for North America).

It's hard to say exactly what's going wrong with osrm-contract here - here at Mapbox, we daily run `osrm-contract` over the latest planet with the bicycle profile without a problem, however, Alex and others have reported issues with what seem like hangs on much smaller datasets that we've been unable to reproduce so far.

The runtime of osrm-contract is affected by how much hierarchy exists in the data - the more similar the edge speeds (like in foot) and the more edges there are, the slower it gets, often in a non-linear fashion.  The car profile has a very hierarchical structure (many different road speeds), so it fits well into the CH, the construction algorithm  doesn't need to compare as many options.


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 9:03 AM, Kieran Caplice <kieran.capl...@temetra.com <mailto:kieran.capl...@temetra.com>> wrote:

    We're actually looking for the best of both car and foot, so in my
    head, bicycle would be the happy medium (though I could be
    completely wrong on this).

    Kind regards,
    Kieran Caplice

    On 21/09/17 16:53, Alex Farioletti wrote:
    i've run into the same issues, and now i just use metroextracts
    of the areas that i need for the bike stuff i do and it reduces
    the time significantly

    *Alex Farioletti*
    /tcbcourier.com <http://tcbcourier.com> /

    On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 8:49 AM, Kieran Caplice
    <kieran.capl...@temetra.com <mailto:kieran.capl...@temetra.com>>

        Thanks Daniel.

        I'm using the bicycle profile, so I would expect based on
        what you've said that somewhere up to 36 hours would be
        likely. However, this is the current output, after 25h40m:

        [info] Input file: /data/1505492056/planet-latest.osrm
        [info] Threads: 12
        [info] Reading node weights.
        [info] Done reading node weights.
        [info] Loading edge-expanded graph representation
        [info] merged 2379332 edges out of 1777752432
        [info] initializing node priorities... ok.
        [info] preprocessing 389797971 (90%) nodes...
        [info] . 10% . 20% . 30% . 40% . 50% . 60%

        It hasn't advanced past 60% in the last 2-3 hours. It is
        however maxing CPU and using approximately the same amount of
        RAM since it started.

        Kind regards,
        Kieran Caplice

        On 21/09/17 16:39, Daniel Patterson wrote:
        Hi Kieran,

          The contraction time will be slow - many, many hours for
        the whole planet.  *Typically* for the car profile it's
        about 12 hours, but if you use bike or foot, or your own
        profile, it can get a lot bigger.

          If you've messed with the travel speeds, that can have a
        big effect too.  24 hours is not unheard of, but whether
        it's legit will depend a lot on the details.


        On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 7:00 AM, Kieran Caplice
        <mailto:kieran.capl...@temetra.com>> wrote:

            Hi all,

            Could anyone give an approx estimate for the time
            required to run the osrm-contract on planet data on a 12
            thread, 256 GB RAM, SSD machine?

            The osrm-extract process finished in 232 minutes, but
            the contract has now been running solid for 24 hours,
            and appears to be stuck at 60% on "preprocessing nodes".
            All 12 cores are generally maxed out, and the process is
            using nearly 90 GB of RAM.

            This is the second time I've run the contract process,
            as my SSH connection to the server dropped the first
            time and the process wasn't running in a screen etc, so
            I assumed after the 40-odd hours it was running for, the
            connection drop caused it to hang, but now I'm not so
            sure. Were there any files I should maybe have cleared
            before trying to run it again?

            I'm using the docker image to run the command (using
            osrm/osrm-backend:latest): time docker run -t -v
            /opt/osrm/data:/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-contract

            Kind regards,
            Kieran Caplice

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