Sometimes the easiest things are also the easiest to miss, i could swear i
read over the match service in the documentation. Works well so far, thanks!

Am Do., 8. Okt. 2020 um 17:23 Uhr schrieb Daniel Patterson via OSRM-talk <>:

> Take the route geometry you obtained from your 2020 dataset, and use the
> `/matching`  service to match that to your older dataset.
> If it's impossible to match (e.g. because roads disappeared), well, then
> it's impossible to match.  The `/matching` service allows for some
> coordinate imprecision, so it should take care of roads that were moved a
> bit.
> daniel
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 8:11 AM Martin Schmidl <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am calculating a route with OSRM on my dataset of a city in 2020. I
>> want to try if I can do exactly the same route on an older dataset of the
>> same city (e.g in 2014). At the moment I am computing the route in 2020 and
>> extracting the nodes of the fastest route. I check which of the nodes did
>> not exist back in 2014 with Overpass and delete those from the list of
>> nodes which i have to visit. Now the list of nodes gets converted to their
>> respective coordinates in 2014. However, when I want to route over all the
>> segments in order (by iteratively routing segments between those nodes in
>> OSRM), I sometimes get loops, which I can't seem to prevent because a node
>> in 2020 and 2014 might exist, but might not be exactly on a road in 2014
>> (screenshot of an example attached).
>> Maybe someone worked on something similar before and got an idea how to
>> solve this, i'd appreciate it!
>> Best regards
>> Martin
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