I put this in based on instructions but cant get the log to be read. Am I
missing anything here

-Derek Morris

> To those who have been waiting for this. I'm sorry! I got side tracked with
> a bunch of other projects and I forgot to send this to the list. I'm in the
> process of setting up a Windows 2008 DHCP Server and I'll check to see that
> these rules work for 2008 too. I've tried to provide instructions on how to
> add this to your environment. Hopefully I didn't leave out any steps.
> 1. Modify the ossec.conf file on the DNS server to tell OSSEC to monitor the
> DHCP log. These logs rotate daily and then get overwritten weekly.
> <ossec_config>
>   <localfile>
>     <location>%windir%\system32\dhcp\*.log</location>
>     <log_format>syslog</log_format>
>   </localfile>
> </ossec_config>
> 2. Modify the decoder.xml file on the OSSEC server with the following
> decoder. It is located in the ossec /etc folder.
> <decoder name="ms-dhcp">
>   <prematch>\d+,\d+/\d+/\d+,\d+\p\d+\p\d+,</prematch>
> <regex>(\d+),\d+/\d+/\d+,\d+\p\d+\p\d+,(\.*),(\.*),(\.*),(\.*),(\.*)</regex>
>   <order>id, action, srcip, system_name, extra_data, user</order>
> </decoder>
> 3. Copy the attached ms_dhcp_rules.xml file in the OSSEC server's /rules
> directory.
> NOTE: Since the dhcpd rules were 12100 range, I incremented my rule IDs to
> 12200 and up. Not sure if this is against policy since "user" signature IDs
> were supposed to be in the 10K range? I left the rule severity at level 5
> until I better understand it and I wasn't completely sure what to put for
> the group in the rules. I'll probably change that at some point.
> 4. Edit the ossec.conf file in your OSSEC server's /etc directory to include
> the new rule set.
> <include>ms_dhcp_rules.xml</include>
> 5. Restart ossec and it should now be working.
> I've tested this extensively using the ossec-logtest utility and as far as I
> can tell, it is working pretty well.
> Oh, I've also modified the WUI so I can choose to filter out DHCP messages
> only. Edit the ossec_formats.php file in the wui/lib/ folder. You want to
> modify the "Microsoft" array to look like this. Not sure how this format is
> going to come out after going through email and such, so I'll attach this
> email as a .txt file too.
>         "Microsoft" => array(
>                 "Microsoft (all)"        => "windows|msftp|exchange|dhcp"
>         ,       "Windows"                => "windows"
>         ,       "MS Ftp"                 => "msftp"
>         ,       "Exchange"               => "exchange"
>         ,       "DHCP"                   => "dhcp"
>         ),
> Hope this is helpful for someone else out there. There have been times where
> I've had to be able to prove who had a certain IP address at a given time
> because they showed up in the proxy log for one reason or another.
> Thanks,
> phishphreek
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Daniel Cid <daniel....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Yes, that sounds very interesting. Please share with us :) If you need
>> any help, just ask.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Daniel B. Cid
>> dcid ( at ) ossec.net
>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 12:23 AM,  <phishphr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I've taken some time and created a basic decoder as well as some rules
>> > for a Windows Server 2003 DHCP server. I've not yet had an opportunity
>> > to test but I plan to as early as tomorrow morning. Would anyone be
>> > interested in something like this?
>> >
>> > I thought this might be useful for tracking which host/machine had
>> > which IP address at any given time. I currently use various open
>> > source solutions for network mapping (switch ports, routers, etc.) but
>> > I am in a m$ environment. I use m$ servers for DHCP and their logs
>> > rotate weekly. I needed a better way to prove which machines had which
>> > IP addresses at any given time.
>> >
>> > Disclaimer: I'm a n00b with this project. I've been using it in a lab
>> > environment on and off for the past year or so to see what I might be
>> > able to do with it. I think it's an awesome project with a lot of
>> > potential.
>> >
>> > phishphreek
>> >

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