On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Billy McCarthy <bi...@tripitinc.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 3:02 PM, dan (ddp) <ddp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Billy McCarthy <bi...@tripitinc.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 2:15 PM, dan (ddp) <ddp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Is ossec-remoted running on the manager?
>> >> After adding the agent through the manage_agents application, did you
>> >> restart the OSSEC processes on the manager?
>> >> Are there any error messages on the manager that might be useful in
>> >> troubleshooting this?
>> >
>> > Remoted is definitely running on the manager and i've restarted all of
>> > the
>> > ossec process on that machine a few times.  No error messages on the
>> > manager.  I even tried killing remoted and starting up with '-f -d'
>> > options
>> > and didn't see anything at all, despite being able to see traffic on
>> > that
>> > machine arriving at port 1514.
>> >
>> > I've removed the packages from the client machine and have reinstalled
>> > via
>> > the tarball.  I have also tried running remoted on 514, instead of 1514.
>> > Still not able to get the client to connect.
>> >
>> How do you know the agent hasn't connected? Just the error messages on
>> the agent side?
> Yes, I keep seeing the following messages in the client's ossec.log
> 2011/01/10 22:52:13 ossec-agentd: INFO: Trying to connect to server
> (
> 2011/01/10 22:52:34 ossec-agentd(4101): WARN: Waiting for server reply (not
> started). Tried: ''.
>> Are there multiple IP addresses on the manager? Is ossec-remoted
>> binding to the correct one?
>> Is there udp traffic going from the manager:1514 to the agent?
>> Can you post the <remote> section of the manager's ossec.conf?
>> Obfuscate any IP addresses you don't want to be public. :)
> I don't see any kind of traffic from the manager to the agent machine.  I
> just added the 'allowed-ips' and 'local_ip' lines to ossec.conf in hopes of
> convincing it to work, with no success.
>  <remote>
>     <connection>secure</connection>
>     <allowed-ips></allowed-ips>
>     <local_ip></local_ip>
>   </remote>

<allowed-ips> is only necessary for syslog connection types.

It's very odd that there's no logs in the manager's ossec.log that
relate to this agent. Is iptables turned off, or did you add a hole
for UDP 1514 into the ruleset?

The only thing I can think off right now are deleting the agent and
re-adding it via manage_agents on the manager (make sure you re-export
the key and re-import it into the agent).

> --
> Billy McCarthy
> Site Operations Engineer
> http://www.tripit.com

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