On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Nick Davies <n...@badhedgehog.co.uk> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I'm after a bit of advice on custom rule debugging as I've got as far
> as I can along the path and think I should be seeing an alert but I'm
> not.
> I have a log file whose content is being collected via a powershell
> script.  The log file uses xml to delimit entries and I need to get
> one event per xml delimited block.  This is working fine and I'm
> getting one entry in the archive.log for each of the events in the
> source log.  I've then taken a single event from the archive log and
> placed in in a file called test.nd.  I had a problem (the entry was
> being intercepted by rule 1003) which was solved by making my custom
> rule a child of 1003.  When I run:
> cat test.nd | ossec-logtest
> It's reporting that the event was decoded by my custom decoder and
> triggered my custom rule.  However, when I restart ossec with the rule
> in place and see the events arriving in the archive.log I'm not seeing
> the corresponding entry in the alert.log.
> What am I missing please?
> Regards,
> Nick

Did you remove the header from the entry in archives.log?

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