On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Nick Davies <n...@badhedgehog.co.uk> wrote:
>> Having never seen your logs, my guess would be: "> 2012 Sep 17
>> 16:54:28 )agent_name) apent_id->powershell -File
>>> C\/OSSEC-Test/OSSEC/ossec_read_new_xml_logs.ps1 [script parameters]"
>> But, since you do know what your logs are supposed to look like, maybe
>> you should be telling me?
> Fair point.
>> It looks like you're using the command or full_command options, but
>> you didn't mention it in the original email so that can't be right.
>> Maybe you could fashion your rule to be similar to those types of
>> rules though.
> I'm using the command local file type.  Can you sppply a pointer to
> which rules use that file type please?
> Regards,
> Nick

530 is one example. It should provide enough information on how to
alert on your log messages.

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