On 10/13/2014 11:18 AM, David Masters wrote:
> The whole purpose of this exercise is to not have to go to each
> individual machine to input the key and configuration.  We have over
> 3000 machines so that really is just not feasible.  If the key & server
> is input manually when the software is installed it works fine.  When
> the key file and config file are pushed out over the network (containing
> the exact same information that would have been input manually), it does
> not.  This would be to the same machine, same configuration, no changes
> between manual input and pushed input. (except that it is not done
> manually).  

Rest assured, this is possible (albeit I have not tried a mass
deployment with 'any'). I have deployed 2.8 to about 150 Windows systems
via a psexec script, so I know it works.

- Are there any duplicate IPs or agent IDs in client.keys on the manager?
-Is the line on both the manager and agent in this format: 004 hostname
any key
-Are there any issues with CR/LF or other non-printing characters due to
your script?

You might want to try this:
1. Install the agent manually
2. Verify it works
3. Copy the key file somewhere else
4. Uninstall the agent
5. Remove the rids from the manager and restart the manager
6. Push via your deployment method to the agent
7. If it doesn't work, then stop the agent service, delete the key file
and replace it with the one you know worked.
8. Start OSSEC

If it works, then you know the problem is with the agent keys file. If
it doesn't, then the issue is probably with the manager's key file.


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