This letter might surprise you because we have neither met in person, nor ever had 
previous correspondence with you, except this. My only believe is that it does not 
matter how people meet because it is normally, either physically or through 
correspondence and it has to be one day.
I got your contact through a discreet inquiry from the chambers of Commerce and 
industry of your country on the net, you or your organization were revealed as being 
quite astute in private Entrepreneurship, one has no doubt in your ability to handle a 
financial business transaction.
However, I am the son of His Royal Majesty, GABRIEL AGHA-OBUDU, of blessed memory, the 
traditional Ruler of Eleme Province in the oil producing area of River State in 
I am making this contact with you in respect of US$30,000,000.00 (Thirty-Million 
United State Dollars) only, that I inherited, from my late father.
This money was accumulated from royalties paid to my father as Compensation by the oil 
firms located in our area as a result of oil presence on our land,that hampered 
agricultural activities, which is our major source of livelihood.
Unfortunately my father died from protracted diabetes. But before his Death he called 
my attention and informed me that he kept some funds in two boxes and lodge it in form 
of consignment with a security firm with an open beneficiary status. The lodging 
security code number was also revealed to me, he then advised me to look for a 
reliable business partner abroad, and that can assist me in investing the money in a 
lucrative business as a result of economic instability in Nigeria.
This was his advice to me before he died. So this is the main reason why I am 
contacting you for us to move this money from the security firm to any Country of your 
choice for investment purpose.
So I will like you to be the ultimate beneficiary, so that the funds Can be moved in 
your name and particulars to any Country of your choice Where it will be claimed and 
invested. My father had intimated the security firm personnel that the beneficiary of 
the box is his foreign partner whose particulars will be forwarded to the firm the 
time comes.
But I will guide you accordingly in all your transactions. As soon as these funds get 
into your nominated account, I will then come over to meet you in person, so that we 
can discuss physically on investment potentials.
Based on your assistance, I and my family have unanimously decided to give you 20% of 
the total money, 10% for expenses, which may arise during this transaction, Fax and 
phone bills inclusive. The balance of 70% you will invest and managed for my Family.
I hereby guarantee you that this is not governmental money, not Drug money and it is 
not money from arms deal. But you have to keep this transaction secret. I will give 
more details about the procedures as regards this transaction as soon as I receive 
your favorable reply.
Please reply to my Email Address:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I hope this Will be the beginning of a prosperous relationship 
between you and My family
Nevertheless if you are for any reason not interested, kindly inform me Immediately,so 
that I will look for another contact.
I am waiting for your quick response.
Yours faithfully,



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