What is rebound therapy?  It sounds like something I might like to try.

My group is adults only, and during the 8 hour day they are doing a LOT of structured exercise. I am the only employee that is with them for 20 hours a week. Except for the counselors, the other employees that work directly with the patients are contracted two days a week and do yoga, pilates, tai chi, and other structured exercises and activities with them. What I want to achieve, for at least 30 -45 minutes a day (sometimes more, depending on what else they have done that day) is pure and simple active fun. They work on specific goals more than seven hours a day and need a respite from that. I only work with people who have physical disabilities, so the activities need to fit a range of abilities and/or be able to be done from a chair for some of the patients.


At 02:55 AM 2/18/2005, you wrote:
I'm in the great position of working with groups of children. Myself and a Physio colleague tend to run a number of groups together (actually a great way of learning eachother's roles and working very well!) and focus on children with both gross and fine motor difficulties. We have found that by focusing more on what we are wanting to achieve by running the group we can encorporate a wide range of activities including movement.

More recently we've been looking at the advantages of Rebound Therapy with our kids and are planning to run a group with them... Should keep us hopping (literally). But I do agree that you need to keep chaging activities, especially with children where activities very quickly become 'boring' and need to be adapted!


pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I see your point... but I'm not the one who is tired of doing the same old
things. I could do the same thing indefinitely if I am doing with
different people, or even the same people, and they are *enjoying*
it. It's the patients who want new things. Remember, they are there 8
hours a day, 5 days a week, for 6 weeks. They loved it when it was a brand
new experience, but the new has worn off.


At 04:22 PM 2/17/2005, you wrote:
>While I am kinda in the same boat as Ron as far as "group" sessions go,..
>I try to remeber that even though I am tired of "doing the same old
>things"; to my patients the activities can be brand new experiences. I
>realized that while I didn't change - THEY DID,.. and so I need to
>rememeber that. Just food for thought.
>Jim Herzog, MS, OTR, FABDA
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