This past weekend I attended an 8 hr. continuing ed class called "Rediscovering Fun in Rehabilitation". It wasn't at all what I had expected or wanted, but it was by far the best class I have ever been to. It was 8 hrs of sheer fun and laughter and well worth the airline tickets and hotel room. I almost hate to admit that it was run by a <gasp> PT. He talked a lot about the history of PT and where PT was going, but it was interesting to hear that "they" have many of the same concerns we do. I felt kind of like a fly on the wall eavesdropping on a secret society.

What I was looking for was fun ideas for the patients... things I could do with them in group therapy that would be an active respite from the rest of the 8 hr day they put in (it's a pain management program, 40 hrs a week for 6 weeks). What I got was new ways of thinking for therapists who are on the verge of being burned out (or already there) and dread going to work. Pay attention Ron... I recently revisited a thread that was almost a year old <grin> where you talked about losing your passion for OT, and this guy is in FLORIDA!! (He goes to several other states though) In spite of the fact that he's a PT, the class is hilarious and very relevant to OTs.. and it's only $89 for 8 CEUs! If anyone is interested, his name is Michael Niss and his website is

Unfortunately, I am in the same position I was before attending that class... I still need fresh ideas for group activities. We do things like volleyball with a beach ball, hitting a balloon back and forth with flyswatters (one of their favorites), ring toss, toss across, and similar games. I posted this question on AOTAs listserv but all I got was "What are your goals?" and "What do you want to accomplish?" My goal is fun for the patients, it's a long day... and it doesn't hurt if there is some physical activity thrown in. There must be someone on this list that does different group activities and is willing to share? Please?



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