Hi Ron,

One of the primary purposes of any proffesional organization is to keep
abreast of potential lawmaking that could negatively affect our proffesion
and lobby on our behalf. They did an excellent job with the Medicare caps.
SMILE. They learned the value of lobbying this time and getting members of
our proffesion to act. That is how laws are made in this country. I do not
know the specifics but I assume no one lobbied the congressmen who drew up
the medicare home health policies back when it was done. They have gone full
force over therapy caps. Did they do so when home health policies wer made?
Doubt it. I would love to know more but as for now I have to go on

> Even  though  I occassionally 'bash' AOTA, I don't think that they let
> Medicare  exclude  OT from opening home health. Honestly, I don't know
> exactly when the exclusion took place, nor do I know any details about
> what  AOTA  did  or didn't do, but I doubt that they just let Medicare
> dictate  the  rules without any input. Perhaps Chuck W. can provide us
> with some accurate history!!!!
> Ron


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