Hello all,
I personally don't agree with the statement and I'm sitting for the CHT exam 
in 2 years. I'm feeling some dissension in regards to hand therapy. I feel 
that as an Occupational Therapist that has an interest in hands I can actively 
promote the profession with my pts and doctors alike. I don't only measure 
grip, pinch strength and ROM but also ensure that they are able to partake in 
daily activities that are meaningful and important for them. I also have the 
opportunity to work hand in hand (no pun intended) w/doctors and advocate for 
our profession. When I see a pt that is unable to button their tops or reach 
into their pockets for change I make sure that they are able to perform these 
activities throughout their therapy. I think that we as OT's should come 
together and advocate for our profession and what we are really about!


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