You may say that you are working on occupation from the beginning of the 
session to the end, but it sure sounds to me that you are?at times?working 
towards an occupation, especially in the beginning of the treatment process.? 
You state that at several times you worked on sit to stands, standing, and 
ambulating with the patient.? In my book those are foundational skills of an 
occupation.that got the patient to the point in which they could actually 
practice their goal of getting on and off the commode to toilet.? Without these 
core foundational skills of an occupation?the client would not have made it off 
the bed or out of the chair and would be laying on the floor with a dirty pair 
of slacks.? I am by no means criticizing your treatment plan, because I would 
have done the same thing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Carson <>
To: <>
Sent: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 8:36 pm
Subject: Re: [OTlist] From Standing to Toilet Transfers

Chris, I want to make a clarification about the below text. When I first
evaluated  the patient, she stated that she wanted to be able to walk to
her bathroom and use the toilet.

I do not consider that I worked on "foundational skills" to work towards
and  "occupational  goal".  Instead,  I  work  on  occupation  from  the
beginning  to  the  end  of  my  treatment  duration. To me, this IS the
hallmark difference between OT and PT.

PT  may work on mobility so that a patient can get to the toilet, but OT
works  on  getting  the  patient  to  the  toilet.  Some people say this
distinction is arbitrary and is primarily semantics. However, for me, it
is FUNDAMENTAL to being an OT.

I  don't  want  to  step  on  toes,  but to me, working on "foundational
skills"  to  improve  occupation  is  no different that what PT does. It
makes no difference if it's an arm or a leg.



Ron Carson MHS, OT

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009
To: <>
Subj: [OTlist] From Standing to Toilet Transfers

cac> I view hand therapy and stroke rehabilitation in the same light.
cac> Working on the foundational skills in order to work towards an 
occupatioanal goal.

cac> Chris Nahrwold MS, OTR





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