I  fancy  myself  as  being  in a rather unique position to address this
question. In the twelve years since graduating from OT school, I've gone
from  full-time  clinician,  to  full-time academician back to full-time

The "real" world of OT is generally considered to be the clinic. In this
setting,  theory  and  philosophy  often  take a back seat to rigors and
demands  of  for-profit  health  care.  Theory  is  not  totally void in
practice,  but it certainly is not part of everyday discussion and in my
experience  it  often  does  not  drive  practice.  While there are many
possible explanation for this, I offer only one.

A  theory  is  not  a  part of practice because it is not seen as having
DIRECT  application. These types of theory are abstract and difficult to
'pin  down'  in  the  real world. Clinician's minds are overwhelmed with
practical  clinical decisions and taking time to access abstract thought
is  not  part  of  the time sensitive equation of daily treatment. Thus,
well  thought  out  theories  are  often  left  in  the  classroom or in
clinician's notebooks.

In  my  experience,  clinician's  cling to theories such as NDT, Bobath,
constraint-induced  treatment,  etc.  These  "hard" theories all have an
application  and  hands-on  component lacking in "soft" theories such as
Enabling  Occupation, therapeutic relationship, Practice Framework, etc.
But,  I  believe  these  soft theories are equally important and perhaps
even more important to our profession.

As  clinician's  we  *MUST*  integrate  "soft"  theory  into  our  daily
practice.  We  *MUST*  develop  a  sense  of  who  we  are  as both as a
profession  and individuals and this comes from "soft" theory. While are
most  easily  grasped, developed and recognized, they tend to not define
who and what we are.

Obviously,  I  offer  no  solutions to the age-old debate of theory ~vs~
practice but I felt compelled to write something!!


Ron Carson MHS, OT



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