Eric Hill wrote:
...and is there anything I can do to help?

Hello Eric, Everybody,

The project is coming along, considering I am
the only one working on it at the moment.

A big drawback was that there was no ( not
even experimental ) network library that I
could use, so I had to switch working on that
library for a while.  If that weren't the case
we'd be a lot further into the transport

The best way to help would be to provide some
code.  It's not the only way, but probably
the best.  No experience with MAPI is
necessary because so many parts are needed at
this time.  For instance right now I am working
on a CalDAV client library
[ ].
This is a plain C library built on Neon
[ ].

I have had a few enthusiatic volunteers in
the past who weren't very familiar with the
technologies involved.  Unfortunately, due to
time constraints I really can't spend much
time bringing potential volunteers up to
speed; though I would really love to.

And of course donations are welcomed
[ ]

It's hard to give a timeline when there are
so many unknowns.  The calendar server I am
targetting initially, Cosmo
[ ]
needs to support more of the CalDAV protocol,
though that is being actively developed by
a full time developer.  The client library
API has to stabalize enough to get pulled
into the Open Connector source tree, and
only then can work on the transport
provider continue.


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