Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe unser System mit der Beta5 aufgesetzt und im Prinzip alles laufen 
Nun wollte ich die Sache meinem Chef zeigen und habe vorher die final Release 
einfach drüber kopiert.
Das war wohl falsch!

Jetzt kann ich mich nicht mehr anmelden.
Da Perl für mich ein Buch mit 6 Siegeln ist, bin ich im Moment ein wenig 

Bei läuft alles unter Windows 2003, MSSQL 2005 via ODBC

Hier meine Config:
# --
# Kernel/Config.pm - Config file for OTRS kernel
# Copyright (C) 2001-2009 OTRS AG, http://otrs.org/
# --
# $Id: Config.pm.dist,v 1.21 2009/02/16 12:01:43 tr Exp $
# --
# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you
# did not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
# --
#  Note:
#  -->> OTRS does have a lot of config settings. For more settings
#       (Notifications, Ticket::ViewAccelerator, Ticket::NumberGenerator,
#       LDAP, PostMaster, Session, Preferences, ...) see
#       Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm and copy your wanted lines into "this"
#       config file. This file will not be changed on update!
# --

package Kernel::Config;

sub Load {
    my $Self = shift;
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                                                      #
    #         Start of your own config options!!!          #
    #                                                      #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # database settings                                    #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # DatabaseHost
    # (The database host.)
    $Self->{DatabaseHost} = 'poseidon';
    # Database
    # (The database name.)
    $Self->{Database} = 'otrs';
    # DatabaseUser
    # (The database user.)
    $Self->{DatabaseUser} = 'otrs3c';
    # DatabasePw
    # (The password of database user. You also can use bin/CryptPassword.pl
    # for crypted passwords.)
    $Self->{DatabasePw} = '3Cs!2006';
    # DatabaseDSN
    # (The database DSN for MySQL ==> more: "man DBD::mysql")
    $Self->{DatabaseDSN} = "DBI:ODBC:DSN=otrs";
    $Self->{"Database::Type"} = 'mssql';
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTable} = 'users';

    # -----------------------------------------------------#
    # directories
    # -----------------------------------------------------#
    $Self->{Home} = 'c:/crm/otrs';
    $Self->{CounterLog} = '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/var/log/TicketCounter.log';
    $Self->{ArticleDir} = '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/var/article';
    $Self->{StatsPicDir} = '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/var/pics/stats';
    $Self->{TemplateDir} = '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/Kernel/Output';
    $Self->{TempDir} = '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/var/tmp';

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # insert your own config settings "here"               #
    # config settings taken from Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # $Self->{SessionUseCookie} = 0;
    $Self->{CheckMXRecord} = 0;

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # data inserted by installer                           #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # $DIBI$
    $Self->{LogModule} = 'Kernel::System::Log::File';
    $Self->{LogModule::LogFile} = 'c:/crm/otrs/var/log/otrs.log';
    $Self->{'LogModule::SysLog::Charset'} = 'utf-8';
    $Self->{DefaultCharset} = 'utf-8';

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # data inserted by installer                           #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    $Self->{'SendmailModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Email::SMTP';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::Host'} = '***.*******.de';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::AuthUser'} = 'helpd...@*******.de';
    $Self->{'SendmailModule::AuthPassword'} = '**********';

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                                                      #
    #           End of your own config options!!!          #
    #                                                      #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #

# ---------------------------------------------------- #
# needed system stuff (don't edit this)                #
# ---------------------------------------------------- #
use strict;
use warnings;

use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
use Kernel::Config::Defaults;
push (@ISA, 'Kernel::Config::Defaults');

use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
$VERSION = qw($Revision: 1.21 $)[1];

# -----------------------------------------------------#


Hier der Fehler Log:

ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 22 09:56:49 2009

 Message: Need Name!

 Traceback (2372):
   Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout::Block (v1.156) Line: 352
   Module: Kernel::Modules::AgentDashboard::Run (v1.14) Line: 259
   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 819
   Module: C:\CRM\OTRS\bin\cgi-bin\index.pl (v1.88) Line: 48

ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 22 09:56:49 2009

 Message: Need Name!

 Traceback (2372):
   Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout::Block (v1.156) Line: 352
   Module: Kernel::Modules::AgentDashboard::Run (v1.14) Line: 259
   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 819
   Module: C:\CRM\OTRS\bin\cgi-bin\index.pl (v1.88) Line: 48

ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 22 09:56:49 2009

 Message: Need Name!

 Traceback (2372):
   Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout::Block (v1.156) Line: 352
   Module: Kernel::Modules::AgentDashboard::Run (v1.14) Line: 259
   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 819
   Module: C:\CRM\OTRS\bin\cgi-bin\index.pl (v1.88) Line: 48

ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.10.0 OS: MSWin32 Time: Wed Jul 22 09:56:49 2009

 Message: Need Name!

 Traceback (2372):
   Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout::Block (v1.156) Line: 352
   Module: Kernel::Modules::AgentDashboard::Run (v1.14) Line: 259
   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.43) Line: 819
   Module: C:\CRM\OTRS\bin\cgi-bin\index.pl (v1.88) Line: 48

[Wed Jul 22 09:56:49 2009] index.pl: Can't locate object method "Config" via 
package "Kernel::Output::HTML::DashboardTicketReminder" at 
../..//Kernel/Modules/AgentDashboard.pm line 350.

Vielen dank für die Hilfe


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