Am 08.07.2010 um 15:19 schrieb Nils Leideck - ITSM:

> Hi,
> On 08.07.2010, at 14:47, Nicola Tiling wrote:
>> Ich habe jetzt auf einem anderen Server nochmal OTRS 2.4.7 frisch 
>> installiert und von vornherein überall UTF-8 konfiguriert.
>> Im Webui werden alle Umlaute falsch dargestellt. Der/die Browser (Firefox, 
>> Safari, Chrome) liefern als Zeichensatz richtigerweise UTF-8, aber eine 
>> korrekte Darstellung erfolgt nur wenn ich auf iso-8859-1 wechsle.
>> Der Server liefert auch UTF-8 aus:
>> HTTP Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 
>> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
>> Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8;
>> X-Powered-By: OTRS 2.4.7 - Open Ticket Request System (
>> Content-Length: 5768
>> Connection: keep-alive
>> Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2010 12:44:07 GMT
>> Server: lighttpd/1.4.26
>> Länge: 5768 (5,6K) [text/html]
> Was hast Du in der SysConfig als Zeichensatz stehen?

# OTRS config file (automaticaly generated!)
package Kernel::Config::Files::ZZZAuto;
use utf8;
sub Load {
    my ($File, $Self) = @_;
delete $Self->{'TimeAccounting::Project2RemarkRegExp'};
delete $Self->{'PreApplicationModule'}->{'AgentTimeAccounting'};
delete $Self->{'Frontend::NotifyModule'}->{'888-TimeAccounting'};
$Self->{'TimeAccounting::DefaultActionName'} =  'Reparatur';
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketEscalationView'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Overview of all escalated tickets',
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'e',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Overview Escalated Tickets',
      'Image' => 'overview.png',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketEscalationView',
      'Name' => 'EscalationView',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '120',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Escalation View'
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketStatusView'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Overview of all open tickets',
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'v',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Overview of all open Tickets',
      'Image' => 'overview.png',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketStatusView',
      'Name' => 'StatusView',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '110',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Status View'
$Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator'} =  
$Self->{'Ticket::Service'} =  '1';
$Self->{'Ticket::Responsible'} =  '1';
delete $Self->{'FileManager::ListType'};
delete $Self->{'FileManager::CreateAccessMap'};
delete $Self->{'FileManager::DeleteAccessMap'};
delete $Self->{'FileManager::ReadAccessMap'};
delete $Self->{'FileManager::Trash'};
delete $Self->{'FileManager::Root'};
delete $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentFileManager'};
$Self->{'Frontend::NavBarStyle'} =  'Classic';
$Self->{'CustomerGroupSupport'} =  '1';
$Self->{'LogModule::LogFile'} =  '/var/log/otrs.log';
$Self->{'LogModule::SysLog::Facility'} =  'local4';
$Self->{'DefaultLanguage'} =  'de';
$Self->{'DefaultCharset'} =  'utf-8';
$Self->{'SecureMode'} =  1;

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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