Hi Eddie,

On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 05:42:31PM -0700, Eddie Urenda wrote:

> I've been playing around with OTRS (using it niceley on Postgresql 7.2 :)
> and have still not managed to figure out if a feature is available or not
> (this is probably something very basic).
> Is there a way to define an auto-reponse to go out when a new incoming
> message gets put into a queue?

Ja, you can define a auto-response for each queue (different auto-reponse).  

 -=> Login witn admin permissions (e. g. root@localhost) -=>
 -=> Goto: AdminArea -=> Goto: Auto Responses -=> Defined a auto-reponse with type 
(auto reply)   
 -=> Goto: Queue <-> Auto Response -=> select your "RAW" queue and click on "Change 
 -=> select your types of auto-responses and click update

> In other words, let's say I have everything coming into the 'RAW' queue.
> Is there a way that I can define a 'klez' queue that will auto-reply to
> messages that are moved from the 'RAW' to the 'klez' queue automatically?
> I'd like to have somebody sort through our queue, and if they identify a
> message as a certain type, to put it into a queue that will send an
> auto-reponse automatically.
> Is this possible?

Normally it would be better if you can sort the messages before the message 
arrive the OpenTRS system. E. g. with different email addresses or a web form
where the customers can select the topic... Then the OpenTRS can sort the 
messages for you. 

Back to your question. ,-) Your scenario is not possible at the moment. 
I think what you want is a feature "send notification to reporter by ticket action" 
(e. g. move, lock, ...) to get the transparency to the customer (there was a discussion
about this feature - http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/dev/2002-June/000005.html). 

This feature is on the todo list (category misc). It would be easy to implement,
but I have to do a lot of other stuff. Maybe somebody can help with this feature? 

> -Eddie


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
Old programmers never die. They just branch to a new address.

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