Hi Eddie,

Zitat von Eddie Urenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I don't know if anyone has been having problems like this, but we
> occassionally have procmail lockup on us with the following log
> messages:
> Nov  4 11:58:53 xxxx procmail[5047]: Out of memory as I tried to
> allocate 134582620 bytes

How big is the email that was processed. Unless it was more than
134 MB, procmail is doing something strange.

> Nov  4 11:58:53 xxxx sm-mta[5046]: gA4JvmiZ005045: to="|exec
> /usr/bin/procmail",
>  ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (1001/100), delay=00:01:05,
> xdelay=00:01:0
> 4, mailer=prog, pri=156955, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Operating system error

I currently have no explanation of wht is causing this error,
but did you check /var/log/messages? Maybe there is some more

> From what I read in newsgroups, it seems that procmail recipes in our
> version of procmail no longer need lock files?? I'm not sure if this is
> the case or not, but the posting seemed to imply to use procmail
> recipes without creating a lockfile, i.e.:

I do not think that this is the problem. Have a look at the FAQ
section at http://www.procmail.org, espeially here:


"Rule of index finger: Using an unnecessary extra lock seldom hurts. (When
it does hurt, you'll notice. :^)"

> -Eddie


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