Hello OTRS Team,

We are using OTRS since several weeks for ISP abuse services.
We like it very much, and appreciate the really good work done by the OTRS

Now, we have a question/suggestion specific to our OTRS abuse usage:
- we receive complaints to the abuse queue, where people complain about
SPAM, virus, TCP port scan etc. originating from one of our customers .
- we look up the details for this customer and want to send a Warning or
Informational mail to this customer
- now how would we best generate this Warning/Informational mail , because
if we use a predefined response, the default destination address will be the
complainer and not our customer, furthermore the body will contain also the
mail excerpt from the complainer, which should not be appended to the mail
for the customer.
- there might be a possibility to have a similar link like that for 'Contact
customer (phone)' , but called 'Contact customer (mail)' . It should have an
empty destination field, to fill in your customers mail-address, but it will
also have an empty body, which would penalize predefined responses.
- so, another better possibilty:  if there would be some more fields in
AdminArea - Response Management , like 'destination address' &  'body type',
it might be possible to specify whether you want to predefine the
destination address (using From:) or if the destination address field in
your response should remain empty. The body type would define if you want to
append an excerpt of the complainers email or not to the predefined
This would allow us to define more variable predefined responses for several
purposes, as well for complainer replies as for customer warnings.

I have some more questions and suggestions, but I will explain these later.

Again, THX for your great work. I would like to participate in any kind to
this marvelous project, but actually my Perl knowledges are not at your
level. So, my participation would be stressing/testing your product ;-)

Kind Regards,

Pol Turpel - System Engineer
Fixed Network & Internet Services
EPT Luxembourg

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