Hi Pol,

On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 12:05:09AM +0100, Turpel Pol wrote:

> We are using OTRS since several weeks for ISP abuse services.
> We like it very much, and appreciate the really good work done by the OTRS
> Team.

Thanks! :-)
> Now, we have a question/suggestion specific to our OTRS abuse usage:
> - we receive complaints to the abuse queue, where people complain about
> SPAM, virus, TCP port scan etc. originating from one of our customers .
> - we look up the details for this customer and want to send a Warning or
> [...]
> - there might be a possibility to have a similar link like that for 'Contact
> customer (phone)' , but called 'Contact customer (mail)' . It should have an
> empty destination field, to fill in your customers mail-address, but it will
> also have an empty body, which would penalize predefined responses.
> - so, another better possibilty:  if there would be some more fields in
> AdminArea - Response Management , like 'destination address' &  'body type',
> it might be possible to specify whether you want to predefine the
> destination address (using From:) or if the destination address field in
> your response should remain empty. The body type would define if you want to
> append an excerpt of the complainers email or not to the predefined
> response.
> This would allow us to define more variable predefined responses for several
> purposes, as well for complainer replies as for customer warnings.

Both solutions sounds good. The second one would be the more generic solution.
But on other side the first solution (own link -=> own/new OTRS module) would
be the better one for you because you can add some thing like a customer
address book for lookups on external databases... (improved workflow). 
But it would be a module just (more or less) for you.

 -=> Anyway, I would prefer the generic solution (Response Management).

What do you think? If you need a specific OTRS module for your business/
environment (e. g. with specific lookups in other databases, LDAP trees, 
...), we (or other companies) can code this (for money :).  
> Again, THX for your great work. I would like to participate in any kind to
> this marvelous project, but actually my Perl knowledges are not at your
> level. So, my participation would be stressing/testing your product ;-)

Fine! Thanks Pol! .-)

> Pol Turpel - System Engineer


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
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We don't believe this to be a coincidence."  -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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