> I changed this a few weeks ago. If you use 0.5 Beta8 and you update
> * Kernel/Output/HTML/Agent.pm to V 1.62
> * Modules/AgentPhone.pm to V 1.15
> (or the next release) you will find the To-selection string in the To: field
> of the new ticket.

If I change these 2 files, I get the following error (all on one line):

Can't locate object method "GetPossibleCharsets" via package
"Kernel::Language" (perhaps you forgot to load "Kernel::Language"?) at
/opt/OpenTRS/bin/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/Output/HTML/Agent.pm line 26,
<TEMPLATEIN> line 82.

Seems as if there have to be changed some more files.


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