Hi Brian,

On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 03:02:13PM -0800, OTRS wrote:
> I downloaded version 1.0 RC3 and everything seems to be working okay until
> we try and add a user,This is the error we get
> (
> Can't read
> /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ticket.cogmembers.org/httpdocs/otrs/Kernel/Output
> /HTML/Standard/AdminUserPreferences.dtl: No such file or directory at
> /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ticket.cogmembers.org/httpdocs/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/.
> ./../Kernel/Output/HTML/Generic.pm line 260.
> I checked
> /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ticket.cogmembers.org/httpdocs/otrs/Kernel/Output
> /HTML/Standard/and there is no file called (AdminUserPreferences.dtl) just
> (AdminUserPreferencesGeneric.dtl).
> Did I miss a step ?

No. It's a bug. :-/

Solution: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/otrs/2003-February/000858.html

> Thanks-Brian


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
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