Title: Default Next Compose Type?!

Hi it's me again ;-)

Perhaps I am a little bit confused because of looking into the sources the whole weekend.

Possibly a short question on "defaults for compose message" (Defaults.pm)
The AgentCompose.dtl is always taking "open" (Next state of ticket). I know this has worked before.

# --------------------------------------------------- #
    # defaults for compose message                        #
    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # default compose next state
    $Self->{DefaultNextComposeType} = 'closed';
    # next possible states for compose message
    $Self->{DefaultNextComposeStateType} = ['open', 'closed', 'pending auto', 'pending reminder'];

The same with

    # PendingDiffTime
    # (Time in sec. which "pending date" shows per default) [default: 24*60*60 -=> 1d]
    $Self->{PendingDiffTime} = 168*60*60;

The pending time is always 24 hours?!

Did I oversee something?


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