Hi Mark,

On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 05:17:06PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Checked through most of digests and can't find ref to anyone importing from
> a 3rd party DB to otrs system, hence email to list.
> Aim is to import to create ticket and single article as a Phone entry, hard
> coding the tn and ID's as per the system config but recording  and keeping
> the unix time and create times from the other 3rd party system (hence
> import - rather than email each ticket to the Q etc)
> I assume that a basic entry would follow same method as
> ../install/database/initial_install.sql
> i.e
> INSERT ticket
> INSERT article (with ticketID ref)
> INSERT ticket_history (with both ticketID and article ID)


> The data was exported from 3rd party DB and imported successfully into the
> 3 tables above as new Phone Entries (no associated var/article/2003/ etc
> but article_path set to todays date anyway.


> Article correctly references the ticket and ticket_history correctly
> references both ticket and article ID's. This all worked okay using mysql
> client.
> However, the Kernel/System/  doesn't recognise the new tickets correctly on
> the GUI, count is correct i.e 30 tickets imported, but the system doesn't
> display the tickets correctly,
> Text grab from screen for ticket_id 264
> --------------------------------------------------------
> State:
> Priority:
> Queue:
> CustomerID:
> Escalation in: none
> Compose Answer (email):
> Need StdResponsesRef in TicketStdResponseString()
> [...]
> Error: No customer article found!! (TicketID=264)
> Comment: Please contact your admin
> Bug Report: Click here to report a bug!
> Handle: /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/index.pl
> Frontend Subfunction: Kernel::Modules::AgentQueueView::ShowTicket (v 1.25)
> Frontend Line: 321
> Backend Subfunction: (v )
> Backend Line:
> Backend BackendMessage:
> The system states that for ticketID 264 no customer article exists but
> extract from otrs.article below shows the ticket has an article associated
> :-
> mysql> select * from article where 1 and ticket_id=264;
> + --
> | id   | ticket_id | article_type_id | article_sender_type_id | a_from
> | a_reply_to | a_to                        | a_cc | a_subject       |
> a_message_id  | a_body
> | incoming_time | content_path | a_freekey1 | a_freetext1 | a_freekey2 |
> a_freetext2 | a_freekey3 | a_freetext3 | valid_id | create_time         |
> create_by | change_time         | change_by | a_content_type |
> +---
> | 1048 |       264 |               3 |                      1 |
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] |            | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |      |
> Goldmine Import | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Goldmine Ref : 794 : Customer ID :
> A1101639533(,-3D`RON : Call Type : Corus Console : Priority Level: 5 : Call
> Details : When a call terminates to the console and is placed on hold, and
> a second call terminates to the console, if you double click on the answer
> button it will unhold the call on hold after dispensing the first call.
>  : Close Details : Sent To NEC Au
> [...]
> Before I send any more data on the errors received, is this a valid way of
> importing the data, are there any article references required other than
> ID's ?

It's a valid way. But there are more id references in article table.

article_sender_type_id -=> One article of a ticket need to ne a 'customer' 
sender type (ID 3).

I think if you update this in article 1048, then you will see it in queue

> Best regards to all
> Mark


Martin Edenhofer - <martin at edenhofer.de> - http://martin.edenhofer.de/
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